Mental Health

The World Health Organization (WHO) is sounding the alarm: negative stress is the greatest health threat of the 21st century. And depression – currently the fourth most common cause of illness worldwide – is expected to be the most widespread health impairment after cardiovascular disease by 2020. In scientific terms, the soul is identical to … Mental Health

Puberty: Between Freedom and Consequence

Puberty is a time that most parents experience with horror and adolescents with uncertainty. During this phase, both sides must learn to confront conflict and balance boundaries with freedom. Parents must learn to simultaneously let go and continue to provide support for their children. Conflicts are necessary But unlike how most feel, puberty is more … Puberty: Between Freedom and Consequence

Encourage and Challenge: How Children Become Confident and Strong

Probably every parent wants strong children who believe in themselves, express their needs without fear and go through life with open eyes. “For a child to become a self-confident personality, it needs a lot of warmth and security, attention and care, but also encouragement and incentive,” knows Karin Schreiner-Kürten, a qualified psychologist at the AOK … Encourage and Challenge: How Children Become Confident and Strong

Conflict is a Part of Life!

Where people come together, conflicts arise from time to time – at work, in the family or among friends. So conflicts are nothing unusual. But they should be addressed and solutions should be sought. Easier said than done, because the question is often, “How should this be done?” First step: address problem(s) The fact is, … Conflict is a Part of Life!

Educational counselling

Definition Educational counselling is a service of the child and youth welfare service and falls within the scope of educational assistance according to the Child and Youth Welfare Act. Educational and family counseling centers, which are either public or belong to a non-profit organization, help children, young people and/or parents with family conflicts or other … Educational counselling

What is the process of educational counselling? | Educational counselling

What is the process of educational counselling? If you are interested in educational counselling, you can come to an open consultation hour for the first time or make an appointment by telephone, depending on the counselling center. Unfortunately, at various counseling centers it is the case that you do not get an appointment directly, but … What is the process of educational counselling? | Educational counselling