Diagnosis of spinal canal stenosis | Spinal canal stenosis

Diagnosis of spinal canal stenosis The patient’s medical history (anamnesis), with the indications of spinal canal stenosis, points the way forward. Mostly, however, rather the unspecific symptoms of the disease are described. The clinical picture and the level of spinal canal stenosis cannot usually be determined by the examination findings alone. Imaging techniques help to … Diagnosis of spinal canal stenosis | Spinal canal stenosis

Spinal canal stenosis of the lumbar spine | Spinal canal stenosis

Spinal canal stenosis of the lumbar spine Patients often complain of severe back pain, which can often radiate into one or both legs (lumboischialgia). These radiating pains are usually described as shooting and stabbing. A further characteristic is an often limited walking distance. Depending on the extent of the constriction, patients report that their legs … Spinal canal stenosis of the lumbar spine | Spinal canal stenosis

Duration of a spoke breakage

The duration of healing after a broken spoke depends on the severity of the fracture. Children usually have very good chances of healing, as they show better spontaneous healing than adults, so conservative therapy often proceeds without complications. If the spoke fracture is optimally treated and an adequate follow-up treatment with movement exercises under physiotherapeutic … Duration of a spoke breakage

The Morton Neurom

What is Morton Neuralgia? Morton neuralgia, also known as Morton metatarsalgia, is a progressive disease of the nerves that run from the bottom of the foot to each toe. In this disease, the affected persons complain of numbness at rest and pain when the foot is moved for a longer period of time or when … The Morton Neurom

The diagnosis | The Morton Neurom

The diagnosis The diagnosis consists of the appropriate symptoms, the exclusion of other diseases and, in this case, a correspondingly proving imaging. In addition to pain while walking, coupled with the numbness, the pain character gives a decisive indication for the correct diagnosis. However, in order to ensure this, the foot must be examined either … The diagnosis | The Morton Neurom

Therapy of the skull base fracture

Introduction The therapy of a skull base fracture depends mainly on the extent of damage to surrounding structures caused by the fracture. Not every basal skull fracture requires immediate surgery. However, there are some situations in which immediate intervention is necessary. The most important of these is open craniocerebral trauma, which is usually caused by … Therapy of the skull base fracture

Complications | Therapy of the skull base fracture

Complications With regard to the possible complications, wound healing disorders caused by infections or repeated irritations should be mentioned above all.In rare cases, injury to vessels can also lead to secondary bleeding, which must then be stopped in a second treatment/operation. If, in the course of the skull base fracture, there was a co-participation of … Complications | Therapy of the skull base fracture

Herniated disc of C6/7

Definition The herniated disc (also called disc hernia or prolapsus nuclei pulposi) describes the penetration of parts of the disc into the spinal canal. The fibrous cartilage ring, also known as the annulus fibrosus disci intervertebralis, tears off. Normally the fibrocartilage ring forms the outer edge of the intervertebral disc and plays a decisive role … Herniated disc of C6/7

Diagnosis | Herniated disc of C6/7

Diagnosis The basis of the diagnosis is, as with many diseases with nerve involvement, the physical examination. Here muscle strength and sensitivity in different nerve supply areas are tested. However, the final diagnosis in case of suspected herniated disc is based on imaging techniques, i.e. MRI, CT or X-ray. X-rays show the cervical spine in … Diagnosis | Herniated disc of C6/7

Sick note for a herniated disc | Herniated disc of C6/7

Sick note for a herniated disc Since the herniated disc in the acute stage can be accompanied by severe pain, patients, especially those in a physically demanding profession, will be put on sick leave by their family doctor if they wish. Recent studies have shown, however, that a long period of bed rest in the … Sick note for a herniated disc | Herniated disc of C6/7