Which interactions are possible when taking acyclovir? | Aiclovir eye ointment

Which interactions are possible when taking acyclovir? Interactions can occur if several drugs are taken at the same time. This can alter effects and side effects. There can also be interactions between medicines and other substances such as alcohol. When using Aciclovir eye ointment, only a very small amount of the active substance enters the … Which interactions are possible when taking acyclovir? | Aiclovir eye ointment

Costs for the Aciclovir eye ointment | Aiclovir eye ointment

Costs for the Aciclovir eye ointment The price for a tube of Aciclovir eye ointment is between about 18 and 22 euros. The price difference between the different manufacturers of the product is rather small. Aciclovir Eye Ointment can only be purchased after a doctor’s prescription and the costs are then usually largely covered by … Costs for the Aciclovir eye ointment | Aiclovir eye ointment

Eye drops

Aqueous or oily medicines for use on the eye are called eye drops (oculoguttae). The drops are dropped into the conjunctival sac and thus the active ingredient contained in the drug can act locally. Typically, eye drops are used for the treatment of the following complaints: Irritation or Dry eyes (= “artificial tears”) (e.g. hyaluronic … Eye drops

Eye drops for conjunctivitis | Eye drops

Eye drops for conjunctivitis In conjunctivitis, the affected eye is swollen, reddened and often sensitive to pressure. Conjunctivitis can have various causes. It can be allergic, for example to hay fever. Depending on the symptoms, moisturising eye drops can improve the symptoms. Here, for example, so-called artificial tears or euphrasia, also known as “eyebright“, can … Eye drops for conjunctivitis | Eye drops


Introduction Refobacin® is an antibiotic cream produced by the company HERMAL Kurt Herrmann GmbH & Co, which is used against superficial infections with various germs. Refobacin® is only available in pharmacies upon presentation of a prescription and is not freely available for sale. The cream is always available with the same potency of 1 milligram … Refobacin®

Application | Refobacin®

Application Refobacin® as a cream should be applied thinly to the affected skin areas about two to three times a day, unless otherwise prescribed by a doctor or pharmacist. If the wound is dressed and should remain so, it is advisable to apply the cream on the clean compress and then place it on the … Application | Refobacin®