
The first references to aromatherapy come from ancient Egypt, where essential oils were already being extracted from cedar wood around 4000 BC. In Europe, from the 13th century onwards, oil was primarily produced from rosemary and in France, at the time of the Sun King, more than 60 essences were already known. With the progress … Aromatherapy

Internal application | Aromatherapy

Internal application Possible applications for the internal use of essential oils are cardiovascular complaints and digestive disorders. Usually one takes 3 times daily 1-2 drops with some honey or in water and keeps them in the mouth for some time, so that the active substances can already be absorbed through the oral mucosa. Inhalation Water … Internal application | Aromatherapy

Diagnosis of dyscalculia

A distinction must be made between the diagnosis, which recognizes dyscalculia as a partial performance weakness within the meaning of ICD 10, and the other problems in the mathematical field, such as combined disorders of school skills or arithmetic difficulties due to inadequate teaching. Like dyslexia, dyscalculia is classified in ICD 10 (International Statistical Classification … Diagnosis of dyscalculia

Bach Flowers for anxiety in children

Aspen/trembling poplar Children need the Aspen flower if you think they were born with “one skin too little” and if they are extremely sensitive. Without knowing it, children are flooded with thoughts and imaginary images from the astral or emotional plane. They have an unconscious antenna for emerging conflicts, psychological disorders of other people, fears … Bach Flowers for anxiety in children

Mimulus/Spotted Juggler Flower | Bach Flowers for anxiety in children

Mimulus/Spotted Juggler Flower The children are timid, shy and have many small fears. In contrast to children in aspen state, whose fears are vague and inexplicable, children who need mimulus can name their reason for fear. These are mundane, everyday things and situations. In general, the child is a “coward’s foot”, is afraid of other … Mimulus/Spotted Juggler Flower | Bach Flowers for anxiety in children

Where are Bach flowers available? | Bach Flowers for anxiety in children

Where are Bach flowers available? In Germany you can buy the 38 Bach Flowers in stock bottles, either individually or as a set in a pharmacy. Mixtures are also available on request. In England Bach Flower Remedies are sold in drugstores. The stock bottles have a long shelf life and should be stored in a … Where are Bach flowers available? | Bach Flowers for anxiety in children

Breech end position

Definition The breech presentation describes the position of the child in the woman’s uterus shortly before birth. If the unborn child does not turn correctly, the pelvis or buttocks of the child point downwards. In this case, this is called the breech presentation. As a rule, the baby turns its head downwards at the end … Breech end position