What types of white skin cancer are there? | White skin cancer

What types of white skin cancer are there? The white skin cancer can be divided primarily into two different types, the basal cell carcinoma and the squamous cell carcinoma, also called spinocellular carcinoma. This differentiation is based on the tumor’s cells of origin. These cells can degenerate and be stimulated to proliferate rapidly and form … What types of white skin cancer are there? | White skin cancer

Treatment of white skin cancer | White skin cancer

Treatment of white skin cancer The treatment varies with the stage and spread of the disease. Since white skin cancer does not normally metastasize quickly and spreads relatively slowly on the skin, detection and treatment in early stages is likely. Today, there are numerous methods of treatment for white skin cancer. However, surgical removal is … Treatment of white skin cancer | White skin cancer

At which parts of the body can white skin cancer occur? | White skin cancer

At which parts of the body can white skin cancer occur? White skin cancer can theoretically develop anywhere on the skin. The most common body areas where white skin cancer occurs are listed below. The nose is a particularly common location for white skin cancer. It protrudes from the face and accumulates an above-average amount … At which parts of the body can white skin cancer occur? | White skin cancer

How good are the chances of cure for white skin cancer | White skin cancer

How good are the chances of cure for white skin cancer The chances of cure are good compared to other malignant cancers. As a rule, white skin cancer does not spread very quickly, which is why treatment in the early stages is possible. With the help of surgery and follow-up treatment, the main findings can … How good are the chances of cure for white skin cancer | White skin cancer

Is white skin cancer contagious? | White skin cancer

Is white skin cancer contagious? Skin cancer and cancer in general are not contagious.Even in direct contact with the cancer-affected areas, infection is never possible. Only in the very rare form of virus-induced cancer variants, the transmission of the virus can also increase the probability of cancer in the infected person. In this case, however, … Is white skin cancer contagious? | White skin cancer

How often and how long should I use the household remedies? | Household remedies against a common cold

How often and how long should I use the household remedies? The type of application, as well as the extent to which the home remedies are used, depends on the symptoms and the home remedy used. Most household remedies become harmful only after a massive application. Drinking tea for colds, for example, has hardly any … How often and how long should I use the household remedies? | Household remedies against a common cold

Which homeopathics can help me? | Household remedies against a common cold

Which homeopathics can help me? There are several homeopathic remedies that can help with a cold. We have written a special article for this area: “Homeopathy for colds”. This includes Apis, for example. It is mainly used to combat inflammation of the body and can be used, for example, to treat irritation of the mucous … Which homeopathics can help me? | Household remedies against a common cold