Cycling in Winter? of Course!

In summer, many people use bicycles as a practical and environmentally friendly means of transport: for shopping, for the ride to work or for the weekend outing. But with the first frost, the bike is put away for the winter. There is another way! Use the positive and health-promoting characteristics of the bicycle driving also … Cycling in Winter? of Course!

Throat, Nose and Ears

When there is a disease of the throat, nose or ears, the three body parts are usually treated together. This is due to the many connections that exist between these important organs. What is the structure and function of the ear, nose and throat, what diseases are common and how are they diagnosed and treated … Throat, Nose and Ears

Is Cleaning the Ears Really Useful?

Removing earwax? Is that the same as blowing your nose? Not at all. Because unlike a stuffy nose, you should think briefly beforehand about whether you really want to “clean” your ears now. Caution when cleaning with cotton swabs Everyone knows cotton swabs. After you have carefully inserted them into the ear, the cotton swab … Is Cleaning the Ears Really Useful?

Examinations of the Ears

Our ears play an important role in our daily lives. They help us orient ourselves in space, transmit information and enable us to communicate with others. In addition, the organ of balance is also located there. What examinations and tests can the ear, nose and throat (ENT) doctor perform if something is wrong with the … Examinations of the Ears

Earache in children

Earaches are a common problem for children. About three-quarters of the little ones get it at least once during their first years of life. The causes of earaches in childhood can be of various kinds. Mostly it is a harmless disease, but there are warning signs that parents and caregivers should be aware of. Although … Earache in children

Windpipe | Neck

Windpipe The trachea begins directly at the lower edge of the larynx. This consists of cartilaginous rings (cartilage clips), which are connected by ligaments. On the inside there is a surface which contains small cilia and mucus-producing goblet cells. Through the trachea, the inhaled air reaches the bronchi and from there the lungs. Oesophagus Behind … Windpipe | Neck


Introduction The neck (lat. Collum or cervical as adjective) is the part of the human body that connects the trunk and head. Many organs that begin in the area of the head continue through the neck in the trunk (e.g. gastrointestinal tract with esophagus, respiratory tract with trachea, spine with spinal cord, nerve tracts). The … Neck

Nerves in the neck | Neck

Nerves in the neck In the spinal canal (formed by the vertebral bodies and vertebral arches) lies the spinal cord, which continues directly from the brain. It contains numerous nerve cords that transmit commands from the brain to the periphery or report information from the periphery to the brain. In the neck area, the nerves … Nerves in the neck | Neck

White skin cancer

What is white skin cancer? In the vernacular the term “skin cancer” often refers to the dangerous malignant melanoma. Medically, however, many different types of skin cancer can be distinguished. The so-called “white skin cancer” comprises two different skin diseases, which appear whitish in contrast to the black melanoma. In detail, the term includes basal … White skin cancer