Alternatives to MRI for meniscus rupture | MRT for a torn meniscus

Alternatives to MRI for meniscus rupture Even though MRI is the gold standard in the diagnosis of meniscus tears, CT (computed tomography) is considered a possible alternative. This is an X-ray procedure (ionizing radiation), which in comparison to pure X-rays can also show soft tissue. The difference between MRI and CT is therefore the radiation … Alternatives to MRI for meniscus rupture | MRT for a torn meniscus


Lemocin® lozenges are used in the context of inflammatory processes and changes in the mucous membranes of the mouth and throat and associated pain. The lozenges consist of an active ingredient combination of three different drugs. Lemocin® contains the active ingredients tyrothricin, cetrimonium bromide and lidocaine. They serve on the one hand the acute pain … Lemocin®

Side effects of Lemocin | Lemocin®

Side effects of Lemocin Hypersensitivity reactions to one of the ingredients of the lozenges occur in rare cases. So far, no overdoses have been reported when taking Lemocin® lozenges. If the three main active components are considered individually, the active ingredient tyrothricin is hardly absorbed after absorption via the mouth. Cetrimonium can lead to poisoning … Side effects of Lemocin | Lemocin®

Interactions | Lemocin®

Interactions So far, no interactions between Lemocin® and other drugs are known. However, this does not mean that no interactions between Lemocin® and other drugs can occur. If you have a well-founded suspicion that you are suffering from side effects or interactions while taking Lemocin®, please consult a doctor immediately. All articles in this series: … Interactions | Lemocin®

Infertility and Inability To Conceive in Men: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Many couples in Germany ardently wish to have a child, however, about 15 percent of couples are denied this wish, because either man or woman are infertile or incapable of procreation, respectively. While one speaks with the woman of the infertility, this is called with the man procreation inability. What is procreative infertility? Infogram on … Infertility and Inability To Conceive in Men: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment