Therapy of a Baker cyst

Therapy of the Baker cyst In principle, a distinction can be made between conservative and operative treatment options for Baker’s cyst. Basically, one starts the therapy with conservative approaches and thus tries to avoid an operation. However, if these non-surgical methods cannot cure or at least provide a significant improvement of the symptoms (see: symptoms … Therapy of a Baker cyst

Therapy | Bump on the knee

Therapy Whether or which treatment is necessary for a bump on the knee is determined by the cause. Bumps resulting from a violent impact or accident should be regularly cooled and stored high. In addition, it is important to protect the knee joint as far as possible until the bump has subsided and the complaints … Therapy | Bump on the knee

Bump on the knee

Definition- What is a bump on the knee? Colloquially, a bulge is a bulge on a body part that is caused by tissue swelling, fluid retention or tissue proliferation. A bump on the knee is harmless in most cases. In most cases, it recedes within a short period of time without requiring special treatment. A … Bump on the knee

Belly button bleeds – What could be behind it?

Definition – What is a bleeding navel? A bleeding navel means that blood is leaking from the navel itself or the surrounding skin. The symptom is usually caused by an inflammation, which mainly affects newborns, but can also occur in adults. A bleeding bellybutton should lead to a medical examination, as treatment with an antibiotic … Belly button bleeds – What could be behind it?

Associated symptoms | Belly button bleeds – What could be behind it?

Associated symptoms Most often a bleeding navel is accompanied by the symptom pain. This can be caused either by an injury or an inflammatory reaction. If an inflammation is the cause of the navel bleeding, the accompanying symptoms can also include redness, overheating and swelling in this area. In addition to blood, pus can also … Associated symptoms | Belly button bleeds – What could be behind it?

How long does the bleeding last? | Belly button bleeds – What could be behind it?

How long does the bleeding last? How long it lasts when it bleeds from the navel can vary greatly. In some cases, a drop of blood only emerges from a small wound for a short time. This can be due to a scratched insect bite, for example. In such a case, the bleeding usually stops … How long does the bleeding last? | Belly button bleeds – What could be behind it?

Teeth replacement in children

Introduction With almost all mammals, to which also the human being belongs, the mouth is toothless in the birth at first. Nature has probably arranged this in such a way to avoid pain during suckling. Gradually, the first teeth appear and form the milk teeth in children. The first dentition, the milk teeth, consists of … Teeth replacement in children