At what age do children start having their teeth replaced? | Teeth replacement in children

At what age do children start having their teeth replaced? In general, there are characteristic tooth eruption times, but it is not immediately necessary to treat if teeth develop a little later or earlier than the textbook, because every child develops differently. The first permanent tooth that breaks through is the 6-year molar. The first … At what age do children start having their teeth replaced? | Teeth replacement in children

Homeopathy for mixed dentition | Teeth replacement in children

Homeopathy for mixed dentition Homeopathy is considered a gentle remedy for many complaints. However, naturopathy cannot be of any use for problems with the change of teeth, since many malformations are genetically caused and cannot be influenced by homeopathic remedies. These primarily include disorders of bone growth or tooth eruption in the case of non-injuries. … Homeopathy for mixed dentition | Teeth replacement in children

Amoxicillin in pregnancy | Amoxicillin / Clavulanic acid

Amoxicillin in pregnancy If possible, treatment with amoxicillin and clavulanic acid should be avoided during pregnancy for safety reasons. The combination of active ingredients can enter the baby’s bloodstream via the placenta. However, if therapy is unavoidable, it should be expressly ordered by a doctor and checked regularly. There are no better tested alternatives to … Amoxicillin in pregnancy | Amoxicillin / Clavulanic acid

Amoxicillin / Clavulanic acid

Definition Due to the frequent prescription of antibiotics in recent decades, bacteria have increasingly developed resistance to the individual active ingredients. Studies show that antibiotics are prescribed in about 60% of colds, although only 5% of these diseases are caused by bacteria. In addition, antibiotics are also used in animal husbandry, which means that humans … Amoxicillin / Clavulanic acid

Dosage of amoxicillin and clavulanic acid | Amoxicillin / Clavulanic acid

Dosage of amoxicillin and clavulanic acid Amoxicillin is usually administered in the form of tablets. Suspensions and juices are also available for children, but some of these have only limited effect. A common film-coated tablet contains 875 mg amoxicillin and 125 mg clavulanic acid. This tablet should generally be taken twice a day. In particularly … Dosage of amoxicillin and clavulanic acid | Amoxicillin / Clavulanic acid


Definition Bedbugs (Latin: Cimex lectularius), also called house bugs, belong to the family of flat bugs. Stings of the bedbug cause typical skin phenomena and symptoms, which are summarized as a clinical picture under the term cimicosis. Bedbugs establish their habitat in the sleeping quarters of warm-blooded animals. Therefore, the human bed is a popular … Bedbugs

Duration | Bedbugs

Duration Bedbugs can sometimes be persistent roommates. They are very resistant and can survive for several months without eating. Without adequate pest control, the problem unfortunately does not resolve itself. Households that do not carry out careful bedbug control are usually affected by the infestation for several years. Even if bedbugs have been successfully controlled … Duration | Bedbugs

Thuja occidentalis

Other term Occidental tree of life Application of Thuja occidentalis for the following diseases in homeopathy Chronic sequelae of profound infectious diseases, chronic suffering due to an old infection. For example rheumatoid arthritis as a result of an earlier angina Proliferating processes on the skin such as:WartsProliferationPolypes on the mucous membranes Warts Growths Polyps on … Thuja occidentalis

The Aspen Bach Flower

Description of the Aspen flower The tree is widespread. In March or April the male hanging and the female round catkins appear, before the leaves break out. State of Mind One has inexplicable anxieties, fear of impending disaster, fear of expectation, “fear of fear”, “trembling like aspen leaves”. Peculiarity Children Children tend to have nightmares … The Aspen Bach Flower


Synonym against life Definition Antibiotics are a large substance class of drugs that are mainly used to combat bacterially caused diseases (infections). Antibiotics refer to the large group of drugs and substances which, if one were to translate the name, are used “against life” (bios = life). Field of application Antibiotics are always used when … Antibiotics

History of antibiotics | Antibiotics

History of antibiotics Interestingly enough, this group of substances was discovered by chance. The bacteriologist Alexander Fleming (1881-1955) was experimenting with staphylococci in 1928, when a substance containing mould fungi fell into his culture. A short time later, he discovered that the area that had come into contact with the mould was free of the … History of antibiotics | Antibiotics