The Fatburner Diet

Introduction The inventors of this form of nutrition are of the opinion that overweight is the body’s reaction to a lack of vital substances. They assume that in this situation the body is not able to break down fat. Thus so-called Fatburner are supplied to the body. These substances are supposed to bring the fat … The Fatburner Diet

The Ayurveda diet

Introduction 3500 years old Ayurveda is the written health and healing system of India. Food is judged by its energetic quality and its taste is assigned to the five elements air, fire, earth, water and ether (the universe). People are divided into three types of constitution according to their characteristics, physique, etc. : Kapha, Pitta … The Ayurveda diet

Fasting cure and crash diet

Introduction The prospect of 500 g weight loss per week, which promises reasonable concepts for weight reduction is not enough for many people. Therefore again and again the chamfering cure and Crash Diät with extremely low calorie supply are praised those up to 1 kg fat loss per day promise. However chamfering cures are not … Fasting cure and crash diet

Intestinal cleansing | Fasting cure and crash diet

Intestinal cleansing Intestinal cleansing is the deliberate provocation of more liquid stool or even diarrhea.The intestine is supported in the removal of stool and intestinal contents. In addition, the liquid contents may also carry other substances that stick to the intestinal wall and thus cleanse the intestine. Whether the intestine can do this without liquefaction … Intestinal cleansing | Fasting cure and crash diet