Physiotherapy for gout

Gout is a metabolic disease in which metabolic breakdown products are produced and crystals are formed. These crystals consist of the salt of uric acid and can be deposited in the joints, bursae or tendons, where they can lead to painful inflammation. Uric acid is formed when purines are broken down. These are found in … Physiotherapy for gout

Physiotherapy | Physiotherapy for gout

Physiotherapy Gout can cause joint inflammation and changes and can therefore also be treated physiotherapeutically. A targeted training program can also reduce overweight or unfavorable static as an additional joint stress. It is important to train the affected joints only in intervals without attacks. During an acute attack of gout, the joint should be spared. … Physiotherapy | Physiotherapy for gout

Nutrition | Physiotherapy for gout

Nutrition Since gout disease is a metabolic disease, it is possible to influence the clinical picture through diet. When purines are broken down, uric acid is produced, which can be deposited in high concentrations in the form of urate crystals. Purines are contained in our food, especially in certain types of meat or legumes. There … Nutrition | Physiotherapy for gout

Summary | Physiotherapy for gout

Summary Gout disease is a metabolic disease in which urate crystals (uric acid) are deposited in the joints, bursae and tendons, primarily in the lower extremities. If the joints of the hand are also affected, which is only rarely the case, the hand may be severely painful and have limited mobility. As a rule, gout … Summary | Physiotherapy for gout

Gout in the foot

Gout disease can begin in various joints of the body, most often it occurs for the first time in the foot. There are two different localizations of the gout foot, which are typical: with a total of about 60%, the base joint of the big toe is the most common initial manifestation, followed by the … Gout in the foot

Attack of gout | Gout finger

Attack of gout An attack of gout in the fingers is often a great strain on the affected persons. There is severe pain within a joint in the fingers, especially at night. The base of the thumb joint is often affected, which swells up considerably, is overheated and reddened. This joint inflammation then usually lasts … Attack of gout | Gout finger

Homeopathy for gout | Gout finger

Homeopathy for gout Many different homeopathic remedies can be used for gout fingers. The homeopathic remedy Apis mellifica is especially recommended for acute attacks of gout and has a soothing effect on overheating, swelling and pain. It is recommended in potency D12 for use with five globules up to three times a day. Belladonna is … Homeopathy for gout | Gout finger

Gout finger

Gout can appear at various joints in the body, including, if not as frequently, in the fingers. The gout fingers are also called chiragra and can be located at different joints of the wrist or finger joints. About 5% of all gout attacks occur in the base joint of the thumb. The gout fingers are … Gout finger

Attack of gout

Causes The cause of a gout attack is the excessive accumulation of uric acid in the blood, also known as hyperuricemia. This is usually caused by a diet rich in purine, as well as the consumption of alcoholic and fruit beverages and foods. Among the rarer causes are genetic defects and syndromes with the lack … Attack of gout