Physiotherapy after a heart attack

Physiotherapy after a heart attack is all about preparing the affected person for the stresses and strains of everyday life. Especially the increase and the maintenance of the physical performance are in the foreground. During physiotherapy, the patient learns to move economically and is sensitized to signs of overstrain so that he can move actively … Physiotherapy after a heart attack

Which sports are suitable after a heart attack? | Physiotherapy after a heart attack

Which sports are suitable after a heart attack? The best way to prevent a heart attack is physical exercise. Sports such as walking, jogging, swimming or cycling, which strain the cardiovascular system, are particularly suitable.Aerobic exercises and exercises to stretch and strengthen the muscles also help to reduce the risk of a heart attack. It … Which sports are suitable after a heart attack? | Physiotherapy after a heart attack

Consequences of a heart attack | Physiotherapy after a heart attack

Consequences of a heart attack The consequences of a heart attack are divided into acute and long-term consequences. Acute consequences: The first 48 hours after a heart attack are considered extremely critical. During this period, many patients experience after-effects such as cardiac arrhythmia, atrial fibrillation, accelerated heartbeat and acute cardiac insufficiency (when the heart cannot … Consequences of a heart attack | Physiotherapy after a heart attack


Products Diltiazem is commercially available in tablet and capsule form (Dilzem, generic). It has been approved in many countries since 1982. Structure and properties Diltiazem (C22H26N2O4S, Mr = 414.52 g/mol) is a benzothiazepine derivative. It is present in drugs as diltiazem hydrochloride, a white crystalline powder with a bitter taste that is readily soluble in … Diltiazem


Products Most statins are commercially available in the form of film-coated tablets, and some are also available as capsules. The first active ingredient to be marketed was lovastatin from Merck in the United States in 1987. In many countries, simvastatin (Zocor) and, shortly thereafter, pravastatin (Selipran) were the first agents to be approved in 1990. … Statins

Particulate Matter Pollution

Particulate matter is the term used to describe various solid as well as liquid particles that accumulate in the air and do not immediately sink to the ground. The term encompasses both so-called primary emitters, those produced by combustion, and secondary emitters, those produced by chemical processes. A distinction is made between PM10 fine dust … Particulate Matter Pollution


Products In many countries, no drugs containing amphetamine are currently registered. The active ingredient is subject to narcotics legislation and requires an aggravated prescription, but is basically not prohibited like other substances from the amphetamine group. In some countries, medicines containing dexamphetamine are on the market, for example in Germany and the USA. Structure and … Amphetamine


Products Amphetamines are commercially available as drugs in the form of tablets, sustained-release tablets, capsules, and sustained-release capsules. Structure and properties Amphetamines are derivatives of amphetamine. It is a methylphenethylamine structurally related to endogenous monoamines and stress hormones epinephrine and norepinephrine. Amphetamines are racemates and the –enantiomers. Effects Amphetamines have sympathomimetic, central stimulant, bronchodilator, psychoactive, … Amphetamines

Physiotherapy for heart muscle weakness

Physiotherapy is an important component in the treatment of heart muscle weakness. Contrary to the general belief, it is beneficial to remain physically active despite the physical limitations and to train endurance and muscle strength. The goals set in physiotherapy and the individual therapy plan make it possible for patients with heart muscle weakness to … Physiotherapy for heart muscle weakness