
Products Nabumetone was commercially available in many countries in the form of film-coated tablets and soluble tablets (Balmox). It was approved in 1992 and went out of commerce in 2013, presumably for commercial reasons. Structure and properties Nabumetone (C15H16O2, Mr = 228.3 g/mol) exists as a white crystalline powder that is practically insoluble in water. … Nabumetone

Neck Tension

Symptoms Neck tension manifests as neck and muscle pain and a tightening and hardening of the muscles. They result in limited range of motion. Under certain circumstances, the head can no longer be turned to the side. This condition is also known as “cervical gyration.” The pain and cramping are uncomfortable and disrupt normal daily … Neck Tension


Products In many countries, no drugs containing amphetamine are currently registered. The active ingredient is subject to narcotics legislation and requires an aggravated prescription, but is basically not prohibited like other substances from the amphetamine group. In some countries, medicines containing dexamphetamine are on the market, for example in Germany and the USA. Structure and … Amphetamine


Products Amphetamines are commercially available as drugs in the form of tablets, sustained-release tablets, capsules, and sustained-release capsules. Structure and properties Amphetamines are derivatives of amphetamine. It is a methylphenethylamine structurally related to endogenous monoamines and stress hormones epinephrine and norepinephrine. Amphetamines are racemates and the –enantiomers. Effects Amphetamines have sympathomimetic, central stimulant, bronchodilator, psychoactive, … Amphetamines


Products In many countries, there are currently no registered medicines containing the active ingredient Cathin. Products containing Cathine are not banned, but are subject to prescription and narcotics laws. Structure D-cathine (C9H13NO, Mr = 151.2 g/mol) is a natural substance from the cath (, Celastraceae), which is also produced synthetically. It is a hydroxylated amphetamine … Cathin


Products Cathinone is not approved as a drug in many countries and is therefore not commercially available. It is one of the banned narcotics (d). In recent years, there have been increasing reports of synthetic cathinone derivatives (designer drugs) such as mephedrone and MDPV, which were initially sold legally as fertilizer and bath salts. Legislation … Cathinon


Products Paroxetine is commercially available as film-coated tablets and as a suspension (Deroxat, generic). It has been approved in many countries since 1993. Paroxetine is also marketed as Seroxat and Paxil in some countries. Slow-release paroxetine (CR) is not currently available in many countries. Structure and properties Paroxetine (C19H20FNO3, Mr = 329.4 g/mol) is present … Paroxetine

Melitracene and Flupentixol

Products The fixed combination Deanxit with the two active ingredients melitracene and flupentixol is commercially available in many countries in the form of film-coated tablets. The drug has been approved since 1973, initially as dragées. The marketing authorization holder is the Danish company Lundbeck. Structure and properties The active ingredients are present in the drug … Melitracene and Flupentixol


Products Solriamfetol was approved in the United States in tablet form in 2019 (Sunosi). Structure and properties Solriamfetol (C10H14N2O2, Mr = 194.2 g/mol) is present in the drug as -solriamfetol hydrochloride, a white substance that is highly soluble in water. Solriamfetol is a carbamate and structurally related to amphetamines but pharmacologically distinct from them. Effects … Solriamfetol


Products and withdrawal from the market Sibutramine was approved in 1999 and was commercially available in many countries in 10- and 15-mg capsule form (Reductil, Abbott AG). On March 29, 2010, Abbott AG, in consultation with Swissmedic, informed the public that the marketing authorization had been suspended. Since then, sibutramine may no longer be prescribed … Sibutramine


Products Dried coffee beans, coffee powder, coffee capsules and other products are available in grocery stores. Stem plant The parent plant is the coffee shrub or coffee tree from the Rubiaceae family (redbud family). The two main species are for Arabica coffee and for Robusta coffee. is also called. Medicinal drug The so-called coffee beans … Coffee