Lady’s Mantle

Products Lady’s mantle tea is available in pharmacies and drugstores as open goods and in sachets. Drops (tinctures) are also available. Stem plant Common lady’s mantle, from the rose family (Rosaceae), is native to the Northern Hemisphere and also to many countries. Medicinal drug Lady’s mantle herb (Alchemillae herba) is used as a medicinal herb. … Lady’s Mantle


Linum usitatissimum Flax, flax lentilsThe annual plant flax grows up to 50 cm high, stands out due to its graceful stem with narrow leaves and sky-blue five-petalled flowers. These develop into a capsule containing brown to yellow, shiny seeds. Occurrence: The flax was already cultivated by the Egyptians. Today it is widely planted in cultures … Flax

Lime tree

Tilia Platyphyllo’s raffia lime trees are well known trees and therefore a detailed description is not necessary. A distinction is made between winter lime (Tilia cordata) and summer lime. Flowering time: The winter lime is more common, has smaller leaves, flowers more abundantly and about two weeks later than the summer lime. Occurrence: In the … Lime tree


Viscum album Donarbesen, Hexennest, VogelmistelThe mistletoe is a spherical, strongly branched evergreen half parasite of our coniferous and deciduous trees. The leaves of mistletoe are leathery, small and elongated. The flowers are pale yellow and inconspicuous. Flowering time: March to April. Occurrence: Everywhere where trees are standing, mistletoe preferably grows in softwood species. Birds spread … Mistletoe


Fruits: Fructus petroseliniRoot: Radix petroseliniLeaves: Herba petroselini Bittersilche, Silk, PeterlingParsley is a biennial plant with a branched stem and grows up to 1 m high. The distinctive dark green leaves give off a typical smell when rubbed between the fingers. During the flowering period, the umbelliferous flowers of parsley are greenish-yellow in color. Occurrence: Home … Parsley


Brassica oleracea Kappes, cabbageA description of white cabbage is unnecessary. Cabbage is one of the oldest cultivated plants and widely spread. Only recently has the juice of white cabbage been discovered as a medicine. The cabbage leaves and the juice of the cabbage are used to make medicine. Also a vitamin, also called anti-ulcer factor, … Cabbage

Wild carrot

Daucus carota Yellow beet, bird’s nestThe wild carrot is a very old plant, the ancestral mother of the garden and cultivated carrot. It is a biennial plant that forms a leaf rosette with pinnate, soft-haired leaves in the first year and has only one thin root. The older plant is anchored in the ground with … Wild carrot