Ito-thermia: Treatment, Effect & Risks

Ito-Thermy is a Japanese alternative medicine procedure and has its roots in Zen Buddhism. The massage technique involves compressing herbs, setting them on fire and smoldering them into metal tubes that are used to work on the patient’s body. The goal is to activate the immune system and self-healing powers. What is ito-thermia? Ito-Thermy is … Ito-thermia: Treatment, Effect & Risks

Abdominal muscle training for beginners

Anatomy of the abdominal muscles The first step in abdominal muscle training is to know which muscles belong to the abdominal muscles in general and what functions they perform. The abdominal muscles are composed of the straight abdominal muscle (M. rectus abdominis), the external oblique abdominal muscles (M. obliquus externus abdominis), the internal oblique abdominal … Abdominal muscle training for beginners

Orange Series | Blackroll

Orange Series The Orange series from the Blackroll manufacturers represents just one of the many variations of the popular Fascia foam rolls. It is rather difficult to gain an overview of the different products and their different, advantages and disadvantages, as there are no uniform comparative values regarding the degree of hardness of fascia rolls. … Orange Series | Blackroll

Exercises for the back | Blackroll

Exercises for the back Just like the cervical spine, or rather the neck, the rest of the spine has to withstand enormous strain every day. In combination with an unhealthy posture and untrained trunk muscles, this often leads to muscle tension and back pain. First and foremost, this should be counteracted by appropriate training of … Exercises for the back | Blackroll


Introduction Fascial roles are becoming more and more popular. This is mainly due to their simple and quick application, which is also possible in principle at any time and place. It is hardly surprising that they are so popular in a society in which people are increasingly suffering from back problems and muscle tension at … Blackroll

Adjust the vertebrae

The settling of a vertebra is usually carried out when the mobility of individual vertebral bodies is restricted by a so-called blockage of the vertebra. The underlying blockage is a clinical picture of manual medicine, for which only a few studies and research results are available. Typical complaints that occur in the context of the … Adjust the vertebrae

Symptoms of vertebral blockage | Adjust the vertebrae

Symptoms of vertebral blockage Typical symptoms that occur when one or more vertebral bodies are blocked and which are an indication that the vertebrae are dislocated are movement-related back pain. It should be noted that when a vertebra is blocked, the joint movement of the spine is never completely restricted. This means that the spinal … Symptoms of vertebral blockage | Adjust the vertebrae

Side effects | ThermaCare® Heat Patch

Side effects Since the effect of the ThermaCare® heat patches is only caused by the local generation of heat, side effects are not to be expected. There is no absorption of active ingredients through the skin. Side effects are most likely to be caused by excessive heat application, for example, in previously damaged or sensitive … Side effects | ThermaCare® Heat Patch