MHF | Heart rate during sports

MHF The maximum heart rate (MHF) is different for each person and has nothing to do with individual performance. However, the heart rate plays an important role in training planning and control. The optimal heart rate for training can be determined by formulas or a field test. To determine the MHF yourself, you should be … MHF | Heart rate during sports

Cooperation of heart rate and cardiovascular system | Heart rate during sports

Cooperation of heart rate and cardiovascular system Heart rate and cardiovascular system are closely related. The cardiovascular system performs vital tasks, transports oxygen and nutrients and regulates the supply of heat. The heart is the motor of the human body and, via the vascular system, ensures that, for example, the muscle cells always receive sufficient … Cooperation of heart rate and cardiovascular system | Heart rate during sports

Muscle Inflammation (Myositis): Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Myositis or muscle inflammation can be hereditary or caused by various pathogens. Infections, immune disorders, parasites, viruses, bacteria, or toxins can trigger such muscle inflammation. This complicates both the diagnosis and treatment of myositis. What is myositis? Muscle inflammation or myositis refers to all inflammatory diseases of muscles of the human skeleton. A distinction is … Muscle Inflammation (Myositis): Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Spinous process

The spinous process is an extension of the vertebral arch, which starts at the point of greatest flexion and points centrally backwards. Depending on which vertebra the spinous process is located, it can have different shapes. At the cervical vertebrae, the spinous process is usually forked and kept short except for the 7th cervical vertebra, … Spinous process

Prophylaxis | Mouse arm

Prophylaxis The most important thing is to take regular breaks from movement and to do stretching exercises for the stressed joints during this time. Furthermore, the danger of a mouse arm can be easily reduced by holding the mouse loosely in the hand, reducing the “click speed”, switching between mouse and keyboard and trying to … Prophylaxis | Mouse arm

Mouse arm

The colloquial term “mouse arm” describes the unspecific clinical picture of the RSI syndrome (Repetitive Strain Injury). Behind the term “mouse arm” are various clinical pictures, such as pain or inflammation in nerves, tendons and muscles. Due to the mouse arm, the movements in the arm and hands are very painful and only possible to … Mouse arm

Diagnosis | Mouse arm

Diagnosis The diagnosis of a mouse arm is difficult, because most of the affected persons do not show a uniform picture of symptoms. In addition, imaging procedures such as X-rays, CT or MRI do not reveal any signs of disease, injuries or changes. Therefore, there is not yet a uniform diagnosis for the mouse arm … Diagnosis | Mouse arm

Progressive Muscle Relaxation: Treatment, Effects & Risks

In today’s world, stress and tension are commonplace. It often happens involuntarily that muscles in the body tense without us noticing. The American physician and physiologist Edmund Jacobson first recognized connections between chronic muscle tension and most diseases at the end of the 19th century. This later became progressive muscle relaxation, often called progressive muscle … Progressive Muscle Relaxation: Treatment, Effects & Risks