Side effects of Botox

Synonyms in a broader sense Botulinum toxin, botulism toxin, botulin, botulinus toxin, BTX English: botulin toxin, botoxIn general, Botox® may only be used in all areas after a thorough risk-benefit analysis by the doctor. Botox® must not be used if there is an infection at the planned injection site or if there is a known … Side effects of Botox

Dopamine: Effects, Uses & Risks

Dopamine, along with epinephrine and norepinephrine, belongs to the catecholamines. Dopamine is both a hormone and an important neurotransmitter, produced in natural form by the human body and used in artificial form as a drug. Dopamine as a drug is most often used to stabilize the cardiovascular system after shock and in the treatment of … Dopamine: Effects, Uses & Risks

Supination Wedge: Applications & Health Benefits

The supination wedge is an orthopedic structural element used in footwear and orthotics that rotates the foot outward around its longitudinal axis. The wedge thus weakens pronation positions of the foot and induces supination. The component is used primarily in cases of hyperpronation of the foot and resulting functional restrictions during rolling. What is a … Supination Wedge: Applications & Health Benefits

Stiff Back: Causes, Treatment & Help

Meanwhile, more and more sufferers complain of a stiff back. In this case, the back area seems downright stiff, and the discomfort occurs at irregular intervals. What is a stiff back? The pain of a stiff back is found in the lower back region and does not allow sufferers to sleep at night. The so-called … Stiff Back: Causes, Treatment & Help

What are the alternatives? | MRT of the temporomandibular joint

What are the alternatives? Claustrophobia or a defibrillator are contraindications for performing an MRI, so that alternatives must be sought. This depends on the problem and the indication. In most cases, an X-ray of the temporomandibular joint is always performed first anyway. In most cases, this is also sufficient, as it allows the temporomandibular joint … What are the alternatives? | MRT of the temporomandibular joint

Foot Muscles

At the foot there is skeletal musculature like at the other body parts. These foot muscles are divided topographically into the muscles of the back of the foot (dorsum pedis) and the sole of the foot (planta pedis). Furthermore, the muscles of the sole of the foot are divided into the muscles of the big … Foot Muscles