Prognosis | Iron Deficiency

Prognosis The prognosis of iron deficiency is directly related to the cause. If it is possible to cure the causative disease, it is likely that the iron deficiency can be corrected. Iron deficiency during pregnancy For sufficient blood circulation and development of the child, the woman must produce about 30-40% more blood during pregnancy. Since … Prognosis | Iron Deficiency

What should you consider? | Nutrition for high blood pressure

What should you consider? By following a low-sodium diet, a reduction in blood pressure can be demonstrably achieved. Therefore, this form of nutrition is recommended for all forms of high blood pressure. Three dietary levels are practiced: The strictly low-sodium diet is hardly ever followed today because it is practically very complicated to produce and … What should you consider? | Nutrition for high blood pressure

Recommended foods | Nutrition for high blood pressure

Recommended foods Which foods are recommended for high blood pressure results from the dietary guidelines, which recommend a balanced, low-salt, Mediterranean diet. With regard to meat and sausages, uncured, low-fat, white meat is recommended, such as skinless poultry, lean beef or veal, cooked ham and cold cuts. In general, however, the consumption of meat should … Recommended foods | Nutrition for high blood pressure

Nutrition example | Nutrition for high blood pressure

Nutrition example As a roughly oriented nourishing example the following daily overview can serve – it concerns here only an exemplary composition of recommended food, the kind of preparation can be varied individually and the food by equivalent be exchanged: Throughout the entire day, sufficient liquid in the form of non-alcoholic, sugar-free drinks, such as … Nutrition example | Nutrition for high blood pressure

Anal fissures | Other diseases of the colon

Anal fissures Anal fissures have a poor healing tendency. To support the medicinal treatment, the administration of wheat bran with the appropriate fluid intake is recommended to alleviate or prevent constipation. Constipation aggravates the symptoms and delays the already poor healing tendency. In the case of rectal ulcers, it is assumed that chronic injuries caused … Anal fissures | Other diseases of the colon

The therapy of ADS

Synonyms Hyperkinetic Syndrome (HKS), Psychoorganic Syndrome (POS), Attention Deficit Disorder, Attention Deficit Syndrome, Fidgety Philipp Syndrome Introduction ADS, the attention deficit syndrome, is the German name for ADD, the “Atention Deficit Disorder”. While the hyperactive variant of ADHD affects children who can hardly hide their attention deficit and appear through inattentive impulsive behaviour, introverted inattentive … The therapy of ADS