Duration of bad breath | Bad breath during pregnancy

Duration of bad breath In general, every bad breath is defeatable in the long run. It is different, how long the bad breath lasts with concerning. In most cases, the cause is poor oral hygiene. As soon as the affected person has undergone a professional tooth cleaning and subsequently carries out their own daily and … Duration of bad breath | Bad breath during pregnancy

Budesonide (Inhalation)

Products Budesonide is commercially available as a monopreparation for inhalation as a powder inhaler and suspension (Pulmicort, generics). It is also combined fixed with formoterol (Symbicort Turbuhaler, Vannair Dosage Aerosol). This article refers to monotherapy. Budesonide has been approved in many countries since 1988. Structure and properties Budesonide (C25H34O6, Mr = 430.5 g/mol) is a … Budesonide (Inhalation)


Introduction Nystatin is the product of the bacterium Streptomyces noursei and belongs to the family of antimycotics. Antimycotics are drugs used to treat fungal infections. Fungi are known as pathogens especially in people with a weakened immune system. They can cause so-called mycoses, fungal infections that can occur on the surface (skin, hair and nails) … Nystatin

Mouth rot in the baby

Introduction Mouth rot in babies is triggered by herpes viruses just like in adults. It is a highly contagious disease that affects the mucous membrane of the mouth, where it forms small blisters and ulcers. After the blisters burst open, white-yellowish wounds appear, which are very painful. This open wound healing causes the very typical … Mouth rot in the baby

Causes | Mouth rot in the baby

Causes The cause of mouth rot in babies is always the herpes virus. The Herpes Simplex Virus 1 (HSV1) is the most common cause, much less frequently also the Herpes Simplex Virus 2, which is transmitted via saliva through direct contact with the infected person. The spread of the virus is immense, as it is … Causes | Mouth rot in the baby

Therapy | Mouth rot in the baby

Therapy In addition to the home remedies against oral thrush described below, medication can also be prescribed by a doctor. This is especially necessary for very young babies, as otherwise the disease can spread to the eyes or even to the brain. Basically, the therapy begins with a treatment of the symptoms. An attempt is … Therapy | Mouth rot in the baby

Mouth Thrush

Definition The typical symptoms of a mouth soor include primarily the characteristic appearance of the mucous membranes in the mouth and throat area. On the strongly reddened, inflammatory mucous membrane, a whitish coating can be found, which can easily be wiped or scratched off – for example with a small wooden spatula. At the beginning … Mouth Thrush

Therapy | Mouth Thrush

Therapy The most common treatment of mouth sores is the intake of a so-called antimycotic prescribed by a doctor. This is a drug that either kills the fungi present or at least inhibits their growth or reproduction (this includes e.g. Nystatin, Amphotericin B, Fluconazole). Since the oral thrush is a spatially limited infestation with Candida … Therapy | Mouth Thrush