Testicular Tumors (Testicular Malignancies): Medical History

Medical history (disease history) represents an important component in the diagnosis of testicular malignancies (testicular tumors). Family history Social history What is your occupation? Are you exposed to harmful working substances in your profession? Current medical history/systemic medical history (somatic and psychological complaints). Have you noticed any swelling of the testis? How long has this … Testicular Tumors (Testicular Malignancies): Medical History

Testicular Tumors (Testicular Malignancies): Complications

The following are the most important diseases or complications that may be contributed to by testicular malignancies (testicular tumors): Endocrine, nutritional, and metabolic diseases (E00-E90). Hypogonadism (hypofunction of the gonads). Circulatory system (I00-I99) Cardiovascular disease due to acute and long-term toxicities. Neoplasms and tumor diseases (N00-N99). Metastasis (formation of daughter tumors), especially to the following … Testicular Tumors (Testicular Malignancies): Complications

Testicular Tumors (Testicular Malignancies): Drug Therapy

Therapeutic target Healing Therapy recommendations Germ cell tumors/seminoma Seminoma is very sensitive to radiation. The risk of occult metastasis (daughter tumor formation not yet detectable despite regular staging) to the locoregional lymph nodes (in the immediate vicinity of the tumor) in stage I is approximately 20% (EBM IIB: 100, 127-129). Nevertheless, a cure rate of … Testicular Tumors (Testicular Malignancies): Drug Therapy

Creation of an Artificial Bowel Outlet (Enterostomy Creation)

The term enterostoma is the medical term for an “artificial intestinal outlet”. This is called either anus praeter naturalis (Latin) or intestinal stoma, or stoma for short (Greek : mouth, opening). The creation of an enterostoma is a visceral surgical procedure (abdominal surgery) and is often a partial measure of intestinal surgery, e.g. in the … Creation of an Artificial Bowel Outlet (Enterostomy Creation)

Nail Bed Inflammation (Paronychia): Examination

A comprehensive clinical examination is the basis for selecting further diagnostic steps: General physical examination – including blood pressure, pulse, body weight, height; furthermore: Inspection (viewing) of the nails [redness, swelling, collection of pus under the nail, deformation of the nail, or even rejection (both rare)] Dermatological examination [due topossible secondary diseases: Hollow hand phlegmon … Nail Bed Inflammation (Paronychia): Examination

Crohn’s Disease: Surgical Therapy

Treatment of Crohn’s disease should be primarily medicinal. Surgical interventions are reserved for complications. Guidelines: Complex surgery for Crohn’s disease should be performed by CED-experienced surgeons in centers. (II, ↑ , consensus). In patients with a refractory course, the indication for surgery should be reviewed early. This is especially true for children and adolescents with … Crohn’s Disease: Surgical Therapy

Immunological Stool Test

The immunological stool test (fecal immunochemical test, FIT) is primarily used for early detection and thus prevention of colorectal cancer. The test is based on the immunological detection of occult blood (synonym: fecal occult blood test – FOBT; more precise immunological FOBT = iFOBT). Since April 1, 2017, the immunological fecal occult blood test (quantitative … Immunological Stool Test

Skin and Mucosal Hemorrhage (Purpura and Petechiae)

Purpura (ICD-10 D69.-) refers to spontaneous, small-spot skin, subcutaneous, or mucosal hemorrhages (= exanthem from hemorrhagic spots). Petechiae are said to occur when the individual efflorescences of purpura are punctate. Other manifestations are: Ecchymosis (small areas). Sugillation (large area) Vibex (striped) One can distinguish the following forms of purpura: Autoerythrocytic purpura (Gardner-Diamond syndrome) – painful … Skin and Mucosal Hemorrhage (Purpura and Petechiae)

Stool Examination

Bowel movement (defecation) is the excretion of feces (stool, excrement, feces, faeces) from the human digestive tract. The stool consists of undigested food components, secretions of the digestive tract (digestive juices), intestinal epithelia (intestinal mucosal cells), bile pigments and to a large extent intestinal bacteria (up to about 20% of the stool mass). The stool … Stool Examination

Chinese Drug Therapy

Drug therapy is a fundamental part of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) in China. It is used in about 70-80% of cases.Both herbal and animal or mineral substances are used to produce the drugs. The largest part is made up of herbal substances. The different substances are mixed with each other to achieve the desired effect.A … Chinese Drug Therapy

Chinese Dietetics

Diet in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) is part of a 3,000-year-old health and healing science. In Europe, however, TCM has only received greater attention since the 1970s. Chinese dietetics has recognized that what we eat on a daily basis has a significant impact on health, both physical and mental. Principles and goals The goal of … Chinese Dietetics

Polio (Poliomyelitis): Prevention

Poliomyelitis vaccination (polio vaccine) is the most important and effective preventive measure.To prevent poliomyelitis (polio), further attention must be paid to reducing risk factors. Other risk factors Intramuscular injections predispose to paralysis of the affected limb in poliomyelitis. Medications “Vaccine polio” (vaccine-derived poliovirus) by live oral vaccineNote: The inactivated polio vaccine (IPV) confers vaccine protection … Polio (Poliomyelitis): Prevention