Musculature | Lower leg

Musculature On the lower leg, three muscle groups can be distinguished, each of which is located in its own muscle box and can therefore be easily separated from each other. All extensor muscles of the lower leg are innervated by the nervus fibularis (= peroneus) profundus. The tibialis anterior muscle has its origin in the … Musculature | Lower leg

Joints | Lower leg

Joints The knee joint connecting the upper and lower leg is a hinge joint. The knee joint is formed by the two condyles of the thigh and shin. The calf bone has no part of the knee joint. Between the lower leg and the foot lies the upper ankle joint. This is formed by the … Joints | Lower leg

Nerves | Lower leg

Nerves The femoral nerve from the lumbar plexus sensitively innervates the medial side of the knee joint and the medial side of the lower leg up to the ankle joint. The sciatic nerve from the sacral plexus divides into its two main branches at the level of the hollow of the knee: The common fibular … Nerves | Lower leg

Volkmann Triangle

Definition The Volkmann triangle denotes a splitting off of the bone in the area of the ankle joint. The fracture results in an injury to the lower end of the tibia bone. Due to the special anatomy of the ankle joint, a bone triangle can be blown off at the front edge as well as … Volkmann Triangle

Diagnosis of a Volkmann Triangle | Volkmann Triangle

Diagnosis of a Volkmann Triangle In the diagnostic ladder one usually starts with an anamnesis, in which the course of the accident is asked by the doctor. This is followed by a physical examination of the ankle. Here, movement restrictions and instability in the ankle may be noticed. Afterwards, imaging is usually carried out using … Diagnosis of a Volkmann Triangle | Volkmann Triangle