Myocardial infarction – differences in symptoms between men and women? | Stitching in the left breast

Myocardial infarction – differences in symptoms between men and women? A heart attack can manifest itself in many different ways. There are the classic signs of recognition, such as a twinge in the chest, a feeling of tightness in the chest area or pain in the chest region (lasting longer than 5 minutes), pulling into … Myocardial infarction – differences in symptoms between men and women? | Stitching in the left breast

Accompanying symptoms | Stitching in the left breast

Accompanying symptoms The symptoms associated with or accompanying an acute heart attack are usually very pronounced. A main symptom is sudden, persistent (longer than 5 minutes) chest pain. This pain can be sharp and very severe. They are often described as burning. It is possible that the whole breast is affected. However, the pain is … Accompanying symptoms | Stitching in the left breast

Stabbing in the left breast during pregnancy | Stitching in the left breast

Stabbing in the left breast during pregnancy Pain in the breast during pregnancy is very common. However, how strong these pains are during pregnancy is individual from woman to woman. The hormone balance of women changes, so that the glandular tissue in the breast increases. This results not only in milk production, at the end … Stabbing in the left breast during pregnancy | Stitching in the left breast

Home remedy for abdominal pain

One of the most common symptoms in society is stomach ache. They can vary greatly and can occur together with diarrhea, constipation, nausea or vomiting. Depending on the location of the abdominal pain, different triggers are possible. Among them, gastrointestinal infections and irritable bowel syndrome are sometimes the most common. However, other organs of the … Home remedy for abdominal pain

How often and how long should I use the household remedies? | Home remedy for abdominal pain

How often and how long should I use the household remedies? Home remedies can be used for different lengths of time and with different frequency, depending on the type of remedy and symptoms. The caraway oil and olive oil are well suited for use over a short period of a few weeks. In the long … How often and how long should I use the household remedies? | Home remedy for abdominal pain

Which homeopathics can help me? | Home remedy for abdominal pain

Which homeopathics can help me? There are many different homeopathics that can help with stomach pain. Carbo animalis is preferably used for inflammatory diseases of the digestive tract. Heartburn and flatulence can also be treated with this homeopathic remedy. It stabilizes the environment in the various sections of the gastrointestinal tract and activates the production … Which homeopathics can help me? | Home remedy for abdominal pain

Tongue piercing

A variation of the piercing is the tongue piercing. For this the tongue is pierced completely. There are different types of tongue piercings, they differ from each other in size, shape, stitching and material. Before piercing you should be well informed about the procedure, the following healing phase, care and possible risks. So painful and … Tongue piercing

Risks | Tongue piercing

Risks In general, the risk of complications is significantly increased by the incorrect procedure when pricking or nursing. The tongue is traversed by many different nerve fibres. These include nerves that serve to move the muscles of the tongue; these come from the twelfth cranial nerve, the “hypoglossal nerve”. Furthermore, there are sensitive nerves that … Risks | Tongue piercing