Creatine Cure

The human body contains about 120 grams of creatine and depending on muscle mass, a maximum of another 40 grams are added. In addition to the benefits for strength and endurance athletes, where performance and muscle contraction are positively influenced, the organic acid is also necessary for brain and nerve function. As a rule, every … Creatine Cure

Effect | Creatine Cure

Effect Creatine unfolds its effect in the provision of energy directly in the cells of the muscles. As the muscle works, it contracts (contracts) by releasing energy through ATP (adenosine triphosphate). The release of a phosphate molecule releases the energy that makes us run, throw or ride a bike. The ATP becomes ADP (adenosine diphosphate). … Effect | Creatine Cure

Side effects | Creatine Cure

Side effects As many positive effects creatine may have, side effects can also occur when used incorrectly or overdosed. Health hazards are also said to emanate from creatine, but there are not yet many or no meaningful studies on this claim. One side effect may be weight gain due to water retention in the muscles. … Side effects | Creatine Cure

After the cure | Creatine Cure

After the cure In general, the positive effects of the dietary supplement also decrease after the creatine is discontinued. As a result, the muscles no longer look so voluminous and even with the intensity of the workouts, one feels an earlier onset of fatigue. However, there is a possibility to cushion this negative effect a … After the cure | Creatine Cure

Cartilage formation

Introduction Cartilage is a firm but pressure-elastic tissue and consists of a network of connective tissue fibers. The so-called hyaline cartilage lines joint surfaces and ensures that the bones of the joint partners do not rub against each other. If joint wear and tear (arthrosis) occurs, the joint cartilage loses substance. In the case of … Cartilage formation

ACT | Cartilage formation

ACT In ACT, i.e. autologous chondrocyte transplantation or autologous cartilage cell transplantation, cartilage cells (chondrocytes) are taken from the joint. During the removal, a site in the joint is selected that is not heavily loaded during movement. The removed cells are then cultivated in the laboratory. The grown cartilage is then reinserted into the defective … ACT | Cartilage formation

What are the benefits of supplements? | Cartilage formation

What are the benefits of supplements? Supplements (dietary supplements) such as chondroitin sulfate and glucosamine are said to be another way to promote cartilage formation. Chondroitin sulphate is naturally produced by cartilage cells and ensures that the cartilage is more resistant. Glucosamine, on the other hand, is part of the cartilage tissue. When taken as … What are the benefits of supplements? | Cartilage formation

What is the benefit of gelatine? | Cartilage formation

What is the benefit of gelatine? Gelatine contains the protein collagen. Collagen is not only an important component of cartilage tissue, but is also found in tendons and bones. 10 grams of gelatine daily is said to promote the regeneration of cartilage. However, gelatine should not be consumed in desserts, as sugar can damage cartilage … What is the benefit of gelatine? | Cartilage formation

BCAA – side effects

What are BCAAs? BCAAs are food supplements that can be sufficiently supplied by a balanced and healthy diet. Athletes can have a higher demand for BCAAs through intensive and frequent training and therefore have to take them additionally through supplementation. In principle, the intake of BCAAs is safe for healthy people. Older athletes, as well … BCAA – side effects