Duration of oral thrush

Mouth rot, or stomatitis aphtosa or gingivostomatitis herpatica, is a disease of the oral mucosa that is accompanied by inflammation. It is a painful blister formation in the area of the mouth and throat, mostly in children between the ages of 1 and 3. The symptoms are triggered by the initial infection with the herpes … Duration of oral thrush

Craniomandibular system

Introduction The craniomandibular system or also called the masticatory system or chewing organ is the entrance port for the entire digestive contract. It consists of different and different parts of the body with different tasks. The masticatory organ includes: Masticatory musculature Upper jaw Lower jaw Palate TMJ Teeth Periodontal apparatus Tongue Salivary glands Chewing muscles … Craniomandibular system

Summary | Craniomandibular system

Summary The craniomandibular system, also known as the masticatory organ, includes all parts of the body that are necessary for food intake. These are muscles, mucous membrane, bones, hard dental tissue and glands. Only the interaction of the different components enables a good preparation of the food. All articles in this series: Craniomandibular system Summary

Cracked tongue

Many people occasionally suffer from a cracked tongue. Although most people assume that changes in the area of the tongue often have a pathological character, in many cases the cracked tongue is completely harmless. In fact, most changes in the tongue are medically insignificant. When the tongue is cracked, large longitudinal and transverse indentations usually … Cracked tongue

Diagnosis | Cracked tongue

Diagnosis People who suffer from a cracked tongue from time to time and do not have any other complaints do not necessarily need to see a doctor. The cracked tongue itself usually does not have a pathological character. Nevertheless, changes in the area of the oral mucosa and the tongue can provide an important indication … Diagnosis | Cracked tongue

Tongue: Structure, Function & Diseases

The tongue is an important organ, which is not only purely by its functions “on everyone’s lips”. The tongue has also acquired an important significance in modern life in connection with eroticism (tongue kiss) and body jewelry as the so-called tongue jewelry. Seriously – the tongue is relatively small but indispensable in terms of health, … Tongue: Structure, Function & Diseases

Oral cavity

The oral cavity is divided into two parts, the space between lips, cheeks and the teeth is called the oral vestibule (vestibulum oris). The oral cavity (Cavitas oris) is bordered by the teeth, the palate and the floor of the mouth with the tongue. It is lined with oral mucosa, which contains many glands. The … Oral cavity