Atopic Dermatitis: Eczema

Symptoms Atopic dermatitis, or neurodermatitis, is a noncontagious, chronic inflammatory skin disease that causes episodes of red, rough, dry or weeping, crusted and scaly skin. Eczema can occur all over the body and is typically accompanied by severe itching. Patients have dry skin. In infants, the disease begins on the scalp and cheeks. Depending on … Atopic Dermatitis: Eczema

Seborrheic Dermatitis

Symptoms In areas with high sebum production and hair formation: scalp, eyebrows, eyelashes, between eyelashes, beard and moustache region, behind the ear, on the ear, next to the nostrils, chest, around the belly button, genitoanal region Skin redness, typically symmetrical Greasy or powdery head dandruff Itching and burning Seborrhea Oily scaly skin Comorbidities: Acne, abscess, … Seborrheic Dermatitis

Clobetasol Propionate

Products Clobetasol propionate is commercially available as cream, ointment, foam, shampoo, and scalp application (Dermovate, Clobex, Clarelux). It has been approved in many countries since 1976. Structure and properties Clobetasol propionate (C25H32ClFO5, Mr = 466.97 g/mol) is the ester of clobetasol with propionic acid. It is a derivative of prednisolone. Clobetasol propionate exists as a … Clobetasol Propionate

Clobetasone Butyrate

Products Clobetasone butyrate is commercially available as a cream and ointment (Emovate). It has been approved in many countries since 1980. Structure and properties Clobetasone butyrate (C26H32ClFO5, Mr = 479.0 g/mol) exists as a white powder that is practically insoluble in water. It has structural similarities to betamethasone. Clobetasone butyrate is a halogenated and esterified … Clobetasone Butyrate

Duration of Therapy

Definition and examples The duration of therapy or treatment defines the period of time during which a drug is administered preventively or therapeutically. The shortest duration of therapy occurs with a single dose. This involves a single administration of a drug without repetition. An example of this is the antifungal drug fluconazole for the treatment … Duration of Therapy

Chlorine Allergy

Symptoms The so-called “chlorine allergy” manifests itself after a visit to the swimming pool in the following possible complaints: Skin reactions such as redness, eczema, itching, dry skin and hives. Eye irritation Upper and lower respiratory tract irritation: cough, bronchospasm. Exacerbation or triggering of pulmonary or allergic diseases. Causes The water in many swimming pools … Chlorine Allergy

Sandbox Dermatitis

Symptoms Sandpit dermatitis manifests as numerous millimeter-sized, flat, roundish, lichenoid, skin-colored, brown to hypopigmented papules that appear mainly on the elbows, knees, and back of the hands. Other areas of the body such as the face, buttocks, and arms may also be affected. An accompanying mild itching sometimes occurs. The rash is most common in … Sandbox Dermatitis

Alopecia Areata

Symptoms Alopecia areata manifests as single or multiple, clearly defined, smooth, oval to round hairless areas. The skin is healthy and not inflamed. Hair loss most commonly occurs on the hair of the head, but all other body hair, such as the eyelashes, eyebrows, underarm hair, beard, and pubic hair, may be affected, and changes … Alopecia Areata

Lichen Striatus

Symptoms Lichen striatus is a benign skin disorder that manifests as small, white to red, lichenoid, sometimes scaly, inflammatory papules that appear unilaterally, primarily along the extremities, in linear bands following Blaschko lines. The nails may also be involved and mild pruritus is sometimes observed. The rash is most common in children and more common … Lichen Striatus

Rash after Shaving

Symptoms In a mild course, there is a burning sensation (razor burn), redness, itching, and a rash after shaving that disappears within a few hours or a few days. A chronic and severe course, such as pseudofolliculitis barbae, manifests as an inflammatory reaction with papules and pustules, ingrown hairs, and even complications such as hyperpigmentation, … Rash after Shaving


Products Bufexamac was on the market in many countries as a cream and as an ointment (Parfenac). Because the active ingredient frequently causes allergic contact dermatitis, distribution of the drugs was discontinued. Structure and properties Bufexamac or 2-(4-butoxyphenyl)–hydroxyacetamide (C12H17NO3, Mr = 223.3 g/mol) is a white to almost white crystalline powder that is practically insoluble … Bufexamac