Rotator cuff training

Four muscles surround the shoulder joint in a ring. The so-called rotator cuff is thus an important part of the joint, giving it stability. For this reason it is important to train the rotator cuff. Training not only prevents injuries, but can also serve as a supplement to strength training or the treatment of acute … Rotator cuff training

How many times a week do I have to exercise? | Rotator cuff training

How many times a week do I have to exercise? How often the rotator cuff should be exercised depends primarily on the training goal. If a regular strength training with integrated shoulders is already being done, a one-time isolated training of the rotator cuff per week is sufficient. If, on the other hand, the exercises … How many times a week do I have to exercise? | Rotator cuff training

Contraindications for training the rotator cuff | Rotator cuff training

Contraindications for training the rotator cuff If the rotator cuff is acutely damaged by certain injuries, training should be paused. These include, for example: Although it is important that training is adapted to the injury, the advice of an experienced therapist should always be sought to avoid greater damage. Even in the case of chronic … Contraindications for training the rotator cuff | Rotator cuff training

Autogenic Training

Autogenic training is known to many people. In today’s society, time pressure, stress and permanent hectic are increasingly the cause of mental illness and physical diseases. Dizziness, burnout or depression are examples of possible consequences of this lifestyle. That’s why it’s all the more important to take time out regularly and relax properly. The term … Autogenic Training

Instructions | Connective Tissue Massage (Reflex Zone Massage)

Instructions The connective tissue massage should always be performed by trained personnel. In the connective tissue massage, various reflexology techniques are used. These include the subcutaneous and fascial technique, the laminar technique, the subcutaneous petrization, the skin technique and bimanual stretching techniques. The two-dimensional technique and the subcutaneous petrissage are used to manually loosen skin … Instructions | Connective Tissue Massage (Reflex Zone Massage)

Which sports are cheap? | Sports with arthrosis

Which sports are cheap? Of course, sporting activity should not worsen the already existing joint damage, so choosing the right sport for osteoarthritis is crucial. In case of doubt, an orthopedic surgeon can provide more detailed information and tips on how to choose. In general, patients suffering from osteoarthritis are recommended to exercise evenly without … Which sports are cheap? | Sports with arthrosis

Proteins for muscle building

Introduction Proteins and a protein-rich diet play a major role in muscle building. Even if weight loss and fat reduction is to be achieved, a protein-rich diet is often recommended. Proteins are an important part of every cell in our body and during intensive training the protein requirement can increase. There are different ways in … Proteins for muscle building