Summary | Exercises against saddlebags

Summary Riding breeches are caused by a fat distribution disorder and are usually hereditary. With targeted strength training for the affected muscles (gluteus, abductor, ischiogroup), the structure of the tissue can be strengthened and the circumference of the thighs reduced. Together with a change of diet, lymphatic drainage and sport, good results can be achieved … Summary | Exercises against saddlebags

Exercises for finger arthrosis

Osteoarthritis is a degenerative progressive and incurable disease. It can be contained but not cured by a coordinated therapy. The articular cartilage is degraded and the joint space narrows, bony attachments to the joint are intended to increase the force-transmitting surface. Increased immobility and inflammatory conditions increasingly affect the capsular ligament apparatus and surrounding musculature. … Exercises for finger arthrosis

Settling | Exercises against a pelvic obliquity

Settling Dislocation of the pelvis is possible if the pelvic obliquity is caused by mechanical blockages. This is the case when, for example, individual vertebrae are displaced from their natural position, resulting in a blockage and restricted movement. Specially trained physiotherapists or chiropractors can then actively bring the vertebra back into the correct position with … Settling | Exercises against a pelvic obliquity

Leg length difference | Exercises against a pelvic obliquity

Leg length difference Technically speaking, a leg length difference is a difference in length between hip and foot. An anatomical (i.e. based on bone length) leg length difference, however, is something only very few people have. In most cases, a leg length difference is functionally acquired. This means that the cause of the optical and … Leg length difference | Exercises against a pelvic obliquity

Training therapy

The medical training therapy serves to increase the efficiency and the load capacity of the body and takes place under medical supervision. Depending on the type of training, strength, endurance or coordination can be improved. Frequent indications for such a therapy are, for example, back pain, slipped discs or postural deficiencies. Training therapy for the … Training therapy

Therapeutic applications and treatment methods

The following therapy applications/treatment methods are used, for example, after operations and for rehabilitative purposes. Muscles, joints and nerves are stimulated, thus improving mobility and strength. Some movement patterns are disturbed due to diseases of the central nervous system, while others are caused by a lack of motor skills and coordination. The following is a … Therapeutic applications and treatment methods

Exercises | Shoulder instability – remedy conservatively

Exercises Targeted stretching and strengthening exercises can improve the stability of the damaged shoulder. Below are some exercises listed, but they should only be performed in consultation with a doctor or therapist for treatment: 1) Strengthening the musclesFor this exercise, put yourself in the push-up position. The knees can lie on the floor. Now alternately … Exercises | Shoulder instability – remedy conservatively

Shoulder instability | Shoulder instability – remedy conservatively

Shoulder instability Shoulder instability means that the shoulder joint is insufficiently stabilized. The humerus can therefore move too much in the joint. In some cases, this can actually cause the humerus to slip out of the joint head (luxation). If an existing shoulder instability remains untreated, arthrosis in the shoulder joint may develop later on. … Shoulder instability | Shoulder instability – remedy conservatively