Vitamin B: Function & Diseases

The term vitamin B refers to a group of eight vitamins, all of which perform different functions for the body and health. The majority of B vitamins are absorbed through food. Certain life circumstances may necessitate an increased requirement. What is vitamin B and what effect does it have? The term vitamin B refers to … Vitamin B: Function & Diseases

Home Remedies for Brittle Fingernails

Many people suffer from brittle fingernails. Especially women often complain about the brittle appearance of their fingernails and look for advice to make the nails look healthier. However, brittle nails are not only a negligible beauty defect, but often a warning sign of poor nutrition. Therefore, unstable looking nails should by no means be taken … Home Remedies for Brittle Fingernails

Vitamin B12

Products In many countries, vitamin B12 is available as a monopreparation in the form of injectables and as a dietary supplement. Vitamin B12 is also combined with other vitamins, minerals, trace elements, and amino acids. Low- and high-dose preparations are available. Structure and properties Vitamin B12 is a water-soluble B-group vitamin that contains cobalt as … Vitamin B12

Vitamins in Fruits and Vegetables

Vitamins – this has been emphasized many times here at and in numerous other publications – are one of the most important groups of active substances in our food. Their importance lies in their irreplaceability for metabolism and thus for the maintenance of health, indeed of life par excellence. The functions in the metabolism … Vitamins in Fruits and Vegetables

How should folic acid be dosed? | Folic acid during pregnancy

How should folic acid be dosed? A daily dose of 400 – 550 μg is recommended by doctors to prevent neural tube defects in children. Although this dose does not guarantee 100% protection, it significantly reduces the risk of neural tube defects. Should folic acid be taken if I want to get pregnant? Yes, in … How should folic acid be dosed? | Folic acid during pregnancy

What do folic acid preparations cost? | Folic acid during pregnancy

What do folic acid preparations cost? The cost range for folic acid preparations is very wide. Simple preparations from the drugstore are available for little money. With two or three euros, the need for the first month can already be covered. Of course, there are hardly any upper limits. Preparations that are produced especially for … What do folic acid preparations cost? | Folic acid during pregnancy

How often and how long should I use the household remedies? | Household remedy against intestinal inflammation

How often and how long should I use the household remedies? The frequency and duration of use of household remedies varies greatly. In general, it can be said that a balanced diet with many different micronutrients, vitamins and minerals should always be aimed for. This not only helps against intestinal inflammation, but also prevents many … How often and how long should I use the household remedies? | Household remedy against intestinal inflammation

When do I have to go to the doctor? | Household remedy against intestinal inflammation

When do I have to go to the doctor? A doctor does not have to be consulted for every suspected intestinal inflammation. Diarrhea and abdominal pain, as well as constipation can occasionally occur in healthy people. First of all, it is important to drink enough and to ensure a balanced diet and sufficient exercise. In … When do I have to go to the doctor? | Household remedy against intestinal inflammation

Why is the urine sometimes dark yellow? | Why is the urine actually yellow?

Why is the urine sometimes dark yellow? The urine is sometimes naturally dark yellow. Dark yellow urine occurs in healthy people and is not necessarily indicative of disease. The color of the urine is strongly influenced by the fluid intake. This means that if we drink less, the urine is less diluted and therefore the … Why is the urine sometimes dark yellow? | Why is the urine actually yellow?