Slimming with amino acids

Introduction Amino acids are the building blocks of proteins and occur naturally in our body. Both individual amino acids and proteins fulfil important tasks in the metabolic processes of our cells. There are amino acids that the body can produce itself and those that can only be taken in with food. Certain amino acids are … Slimming with amino acids

Side effects of losing weight with amino acids | Slimming with amino acids

Side effects of losing weight with amino acids If food supplements containing amino acids such as carnitine or citrulline are taken in the recommended amounts, no side effects are to be expected. These only occur in case of overdose, i.e. if amino acids are taken in a significantly increased concentration over a longer period of … Side effects of losing weight with amino acids | Slimming with amino acids

Slimming with salts

Introduction What’s the process of losing weight? There are different protocols for taking a cure with salts, even whole books about how to proceed with a certain weight loss strategy. The intake plans range from at least one to several weeks. Most plans last from four to six weeks. What most of them have in … Slimming with salts

Dosage | Slimming with salts

Dosage To reach the right destination, salts first have to be diluted similar to homeopathic medicines. This is usually done with the help of milk sugar. In the undiluted state, they would be much too concentrated and would therefore be excreted directly by the body without being absorbed first. Dilution is therefore also called potentiation … Dosage | Slimming with salts

Unwanted weight loss

Definition Unwanted weight loss is the loss of body weight that was not intentionally caused by the person concerned, for example through increased physical activity or reduced food intake. Introduction A weight loss of over 10% of the original body weight within six months is considered unnatural. This constellation can occur, for example, as a … Unwanted weight loss

Associated symptoms | Worms in the intestine

Associated symptoms The accompanying symptoms vary depending on the type of worm and may sometimes be absent altogether. Tapeworm infestation in the intestine can cause abdominal pain or diarrhea. In addition, deficiency symptoms can also occur because the worm consumes the corresponding food components itself. Fish tapeworm infestation, for example, is characterized by a lack … Associated symptoms | Worms in the intestine