Venous Insufficiency (Vein Disease): Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Weakness of the veins, venous insufficiency or venous disease is declared as a widespread disease and can occur at a fairly young age. However, vein weakness does not necessarily have to be a typical age-related disease. In addition, vein disease can be well prevented.

What is venous insufficiency

Venous weakness (venous disease) is manifested by various signs of disease that involve a more or less severe impairment of well-being and quality of life. The term “venous insufficiency” clearly indicates that the symptoms are related to the blood-carrying vessels, the veins. Weakness of the veins is usually based on a limited ability of the veins to pump the oxygen-poor and waste-rich blood from the legs back to the heart. The blood “pools” in the lower extremities, leading to the typical symptoms. If left untreated, venous disease can develop into a serious condition that poses a serious threat to health. The functional restriction of the veins thus entails extensive consequential damage if no suitable therapy is carried out.


The causes of venous insufficiency are clearly known nowadays. Important in vein disease are the so-called risk factors, which are to be sought in external and internal conditions. In order to strengthen the veins constantly, it is inevitable to move physically. A lack of movement and the associated overweight can promote vein weakness. Due to permanent sitting or standing at work and in leisure time, the legs are rarely challenged by walking. This can then easily lead to venous weakness. For women, pregnancies and various medications, such as the birth control pill, are considered increased risk factors. A special situation that can contribute to vein weakness without proper prevention is surgery with an associated long hospital stay. A hereditary predisposition and increased blood clotting are also among the causes of venous weakness.

Symptoms, complaints, and signs

Weakness of the veins is generally manifested by tired and heavy legs. In the early stages, however, no symptoms appear. Without treatment, however, the disease progresses and may eventually lead to open legs. Venous disease is usually accompanied by feelings of tension and heaviness in the legs. At the same time, swelling occurs because water accumulates in the legs. Pain occurs after prolonged standing or walking. Foot and calf cramps are also common. Patients also often suffer from itching of the legs. In severe cases, eczema and lower leg ulcers develop. Since the disease progresses in stages, not all symptoms are usually observed at the same time, with the exception of the most severe stage. Thus, venous insufficiency is divided into seven stages. At the beginning, in stage C0, there are no symptoms at all. In the subsequent stage C1, so-called spider veins appear. These are the finest spider web-like vein markings, which look reddish to bluish. In the following stage, varices (varicose veins) already appear on the lower legs, calves or back of the knees. Stage C3 is then characterized by swollen legs due to water retention. As the disease progresses, skin changes occur. Brownish skin pigmentation appears, especially in the area of the ankles. The skin scales and itches. Eventually, open sores develop that heal poorly. The risk of thrombosis formation increases sharply.

Diagnosis and course

Venous insufficiency, in addition to smoker’s legs, is also popularly known as shop-window disease because the painful symptoms force sufferers to stay in constant motion. Not every venous condition is life-threatening, but is characterized by a rather harmless course. Nevertheless, a vein weakness must be treated in any case. In addition to the gradually appearing heavy and tired legs, paraesthesia in the legs, varicose veins and later blood clots, dead skin areas, thrombosis and a life-threatening pulmonary embolism can occur in the further course. In addition, significant signs of venous insufficiency for the diagnosis are also water retention in the legs, deep ulcers and swollen ankles.


Venous insufficiency can cause symptoms in various regions of the body.First and foremost, there is severe pain in the legs. The legs feel heavy and those affected can no longer actively participate in everyday life. Swelling of the legs can also occur due to venous insufficiency and have a very negative effect on the patient’s quality of life. Many of those affected also suffer from cramps in the calves or severe itching of the legs. These complaints occur frequently, especially at night, and can thus lead to sleep problems and irritability on the part of the patient. Likewise, the legs may tingle or feel numb. In severe cases, venous insufficiency also leads to paralysis or sensory disturbances. If the symptoms are not treated, water retention in the legs may also occur. Treatment of venous insufficiency can take place with the help of medication and compression stockings. Complications do not occur. However, those affected are dependent on lifelong treatment. Life expectancy is unaffected by the disease.

When should you see a doctor?

If the veins become increasingly blue, countless spider veins have formed or if the legs feel heavy and are swollen, a doctor should definitely be consulted. This can be the family doctor, who refers to the specialist if necessary, or the phlebologist, the specialist for vein diseases, can be contacted immediately. Even if the veins may already be inflamed and the leg hurts, it is urgent time to see a doctor. In addition, it makes sense not to postpone the visit to the doctor so far in the first place. If you know that you have weak connective tissue and vein weakness, you should see a doctor in time. After examining the state of the disease, he will specify the rhythm of check-ups, for example every two years, and will recommend appropriate preventive measures. Compression stockings are usually prescribed. Thus, another reason to see the doctor arises: If these tight-fitting stockings are broken and/or new ones are needed, going to the doctor is also essential.

Treatment and therapy

Depending on the first symptoms to be noticed, a timely therapy of venous weakness can already be implemented. This usually begins as soon as patients complain of discomfort. By elevating the legs to relieve the leg veins and the heart, and by wearing compression stockings and vein bandages every day, the course of the disease can be delayed and the symptoms alleviated. Alternating warm baths and regular exercise are also useful. Rubbing the legs with herbal remedies that promote increased blood circulation leads to a better sense of well-being in many sufferers. Occurring varicose veins can and sometimes even must be surgically removed. Supportive medical treatment of venous insufficiency includes the administration of drugs to increase the flow velocity of the veins. In order to prevent the occurrence of thrombosis due to the formation of blood clots, it is appropriate to administer drugs from different groups of active ingredients in the case of venous weakness. These are intended to reduce the fluid permeability of the leg veins in the form of so-called edema protectors. Diuretics help to reduce water retention in the legs. As part of other therapeutic options, superficial veins can be surgically sclerosed.


The development of venous insufficiency cannot be prevented in all patients. As prophylaxis against venous disease, key aspects include sufficient physical exercise (sports), a healthy and balanced diet, and attention to side effects and contraindications of medications. Circulation-promoting measures in the context of physiotherapeutic methods and wellness are also favorable to counteract vein weakness.


If venous weakness must be treated by surgery, appropriate aftercare is important. The patient’s behavior after surgery also plays an important role. Thus, on the one hand, it makes sense for the patient to take it easy after the surgery, but on the other hand, he or she should move slightly. Following the vein surgery, medical check-ups are also necessary. Thus, there is a risk of after-effects such as swelling or inflammation of the veins.In some cases, there is even a risk of blood clots and dangerous embolisms. During the follow-up examination, the physician can detect such complications at an early stage and treat them accordingly. Wearing special compression stockings is an important part of aftercare. If the vein surgery proceeds optimally, the patient wears the stockings continuously for about a week. The special stockings support the healing process and are therefore considered indispensable. After the first week, the patient only needs to wear the compression stockings during the day for the following five weeks. Sometimes it may be necessary to apply a compression bandage after the operation, which depends on the extent of the operation. Light exercise is also beneficial. However, the patient must be careful to take the right amount of exercise and take regular rest breaks to protect the veins. Light walks as well as everyday movements around the house are considered useful.

What you can do yourself

What treatment the doctor suggests for weak veins is based on the symptoms. As a rule, the patient must wear compression stockings, which exert pressure on the veins in the legs and relieve the venous valves. In addition, special compression stockings prevent fluid from sinking into the tissues, which in turn reduces swelling. Special pressure bandages are similarly effective. Sufficient exercise is also recommended, with gentle sports such as aqua-jogging, swimming or walking on soft surfaces being particularly suitable. At least 30 to 45 minutes of exercise per day are necessary to effectively counteract vein weakness. Prolonged sitting, especially with bent legs, should be avoided. Alternatively, the legs can be relieved by special soccer training. In standing jobs, exercises such as wiggling the toes or letting the feet circle are a good way to do this. The load on the feet should always be reduced, for example by placing one foot on a pedestal. A pronounced weakness of the veins is normally treated with medication. Here, the most important self-help measure is to monitor the side effects and interactions of the prescribed medication.