Spider Veins: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Spider veins are mostly a cosmetic problem for those affected. Yet today there are good treatment options. With appropriate preventive measures, spider veins will soon be a thing of the past.

What are spider veins?

Spider veins are mostly dense and clearly visible under the skin. A vascular laser gently removes spider veins in a targeted manner. The laser heats the spider veins and breaks them down. The outer layer of skin is not damaged in the process. There are no scars. Click to enlarge. Visible veins often run close under the skin. Mostly they are finely branched veins, which have the shape of brushwood. That is why these veins are called spider veins. Spider veins appear as light red vascular trees, dark blue veins or reddish spots. Mostly women are affected by them. Spider veins mostly appear on the thighs, ankles and the inner side of the lower legs. They are caused by weak and porous vascular walls. When the vessel walls are in this pathological state, the dilated vessels become visible to the eye. Blood molecules move between tissue cells due to permeability. Thus, blood vessels form in a net-like shape. These blood vessels are called spider veins. In the previously described form, spider veins appear on the corresponding areas of the skin.


There are many causes for the appearance of spider veins. Women are mostly affected because they often have a congenital predisposition to connective tissue weakness. Often spider veins also appear after drastic weight loss. Spider veins are also caused by lack of exercise and being overweight. Nicotine and alcohol can play a role because both of these stimulants dilate the blood vessels. Spider veins are also caused by high heeled shoes because they block the calf muscles. Hot baths and saunas are also responsible for spider veins, as are long car journeys or air travel. The appearance of spider veins is also possible during pregnancy. The reason for this is a pregnancy-related hormonal change. This causes vasodilatation with a parallel loosening of the tissue. Spider veins are also caused by bedriddenness.

Symptoms, complaints and signs

With prompt and expert cosmetic treatment, some spider veins may heal and disappear, but the risk of recurrence is very high. In most cases, however, the spider veins remain visible as characteristic features. The discomfort that occurs is purely psychological. Pain is not associated with spider veins, nor are any secondary diseases or similar known. However, many of those affected suffer from the subjectively perceived unattractive features. Spider veins are often associated with old age, although they can just as easily affect young people. Especially in midlife and old age, they are therefore often given too much attention and their occurrence is questioned and received too critically. The first signs of spider veins, which can be better counteracted in the early stages, are slight wrinkling and dry skin around the eye area. Especially in the case of previous dehydration or too little fluid consumption, the skin appears wrinkled and saggy. Excessive alcohol consumption can also contribute to the formation of spider veins.

Diagnosis and progression

Spider veins are mostly easy to diagnose. This is due to their typical appearance. It is best to have a venologist (with the addition of “phlebology”), examine. Nevertheless, general practitioners can also perform an examination. It is important to inform the doctor about hereditary connective tissue weakness. In most cases, there is a genetic predisposition. The treating physician must be able to exclude other vein diseases. Thus, an ultrasound examination is often performed. This determines the extent to which the veins have dilated. In addition, the physician receives information about the blood flow. If this is restricted, other diseases may be present. Spider veins can be the precursor to deep vein thrombosis. This can be life-threatening for the affected person. Spider veins are generally harmless. However, the affected women often suffer emotionally because the physical aesthetics are affected. After diagnosis, the doctor can treat the spider veins with various methods.


The development of spider veins has various causes, which can result in various complications. For example, they may result from increased blood pressure (hypertension). Many years of untreated hypertension can be associated with damage to the vessels. Damage to the vessels in the brain can cause a stroke, and in the heart it can lead to a heart attack. High blood pressure also makes the heart work harder, so that it can become weaker as a result (heart failure). Kidney failure (renal insufficiency) can also occur if high blood pressure persists chronically. In the eye, vascular damage leads to weakening of vision, which can progress to blindness. As a subtype of varicose veins, spider veins can cause weakening of the veins. Tissues could suffer a lack of oxygen as a result and become weakened or die. In addition, as a result, there may be an eczema-like change in the skin, called stasis dermatitis. In addition, hardening (induration) may occur in the skin. In addition, whitish scarring can occur in the skin (atrophie blanche). In the area of the ankles, ulcers (ulcerations) develop more frequently. The vessels can also become inflamed more easily (phlebitis) and the development of thromboses is promoted. In the worst case, these can detach from the leg veins and cause a dangerous pulmonary embolism.

When should you go to the doctor?

As long as spider veins are not visually disturbing and do not cause any discomfort, a visit to the doctor is not necessary because they are superficial changes in the blood vessels that do not require treatment. When those affected visit a doctor, it is usually because they perceive the dilated veins as an aesthetic problem. However, spider veins can also be a precursor to varicose veins and indicate a general weakness of the veins. If there is a family predisposition to connective tissue weakness or varicose veins, it is advisable to have the spider veins examined by a doctor, preferably a vascular specialist. Because as a precursor to leg vein thrombosis, they are anything but harmless and can even be life-threatening if a blood clot enters the bloodstream and causes a pulmonary embolism. If you have feelings of congestion and heavy legs, it is better to see a doctor. People with spider veins and a family predisposition to varicose veins should therefore ensure that their veins are strengthened through exercise, because congestion weakens the veins and promotes varicose veins.

Treatment and therapy

The spider veins are often eliminated by sclerotherapy (sclerotherapy),. This measure is performed on an outpatient basis in about 30 minutes. In addition, it is considered safe and effective. First, a local anesthetic is applied. The affected veins are cut and an injectable is injected into them. This is pure alcohol. This causes the deliberate inflammation of the vein walls. This causes the leaky and porous walls to stick together. The spider veins are thus sclerosed. The leaked blood is resobed and the spider veins regress. Patients must then wear compression stockings for a few days. This is to prevent thrombosis. Slightly pronounced spider veins are removed by laser treatment. A long-wavelength laser is used here because it penetrates deep into the tissue. The leaky veins stick together by absorbing the dilated veins. Moreover, the upper layers of the skin are not damaged. There is no scarring whatsoever. Tinctures, herbs or Schuessler salts are also used as alternative methods. Sometimes a leech therapy is performed. The spider veins are also treated with creams and ointments. They should contain vitamin K1, as this promotes blood circulation.

Outlook and prognosis

Spider veins have a progressive disease course and increase with age. With this, the feeling of heavy and tired legs continuously increases slowly. This is part of the normal aging process and is considered normal. The connective tissue slowly and gradually loses elasticity. This triggers the increase in the formation of varicose veins. The intensity of the increase can be influenced and thus changed. Practicing various sports, such as swimming or cycling, decreases the probability of spider veins occurrence. The connective tissue is strengthened during these sports activities, which causes an alleviation of the symptoms.The course of the disease can also be influenced by various methods to stimulate blood circulation. Daily alternating showers, targeted massages or wearing compression stockings help in prevention. In addition, spider veins can be removed by medical intervention. In a process of sclerotherapy, the vascular walls of the spider veins stick together. In the subsequent healing process, there is a regression of the symptoms. However, the varicose veins cannot be removed permanently. In the course of time, most patients develop new spider veins in the same regions. With a healthy diet, the use of ointments or cosmetic products, it is possible to slow down the process. However, there is no permanent cure.


As a preventive measure against spider veins, you should drink plenty of fluids and eat a balanced diet. Plenty of exercise and cold-warm alternating showers are beneficial to stimulate blood circulation. Wearing compression stockings from time to time is recommended. Clothing that is too tight should not be worn.


Spider veins are usually only a cosmetic problem. But in some people, spider veins are so extensive and bothersome that those affected want to have them surgically removed. In this case, medical follow-up is necessary. Outpatient removal of unsightly spider veins is possible with local anesthesia. The wounds are taped with compression swabs after the surgery. Continuous wearing of compression stockings for a period of at least one week after the surgery ensures that thrombosis is prevented. Blood flow in the operated leg should be stimulated postoperatively. There should be no congestion or bruising in the surgical area. Afterwards, the compression stockings can only be worn during the day. For another four or six weeks, the compression stockings should remain on during the day. Spider veins can be surgically removed several times. In this case, the compression stockings can be removed after only one week of continuous wearing. The information given by the treating physician should include that the patients do not do any sports for one week. In addition, they should not expose the operated legs to sunlight for one month. Follow-up care for bruising should not be done by those affected with heparin ointment. This could interfere with the healing process. The attending physician should decide what can be done if bruising has occurred despite compression.

What you can do yourself

There are several simple ways to prevent spider veins from becoming varicose veins. The main thing is to prevent blood from pooling in the legs. A lot of exercise helps with this. Simply stretching and tightening your toes, lifting and lowering your heels, or circling your feet helps keep the blood circulating in your legs. Such small exercises can be easily incorporated into everyday life. In general, standing is better than sitting and walking is better than driving. Anything that keeps the legs moving helps prevent blood congestion, making it one of the most effective treatments for spider veins. So active sports like cycling or jogging is also a suitable measure. At night, the legs should lie slightly elevated and in the morning, a cold shower over the legs helps to get the blood moving in the veins. Compression stockings can be used if the legs are subjected to prolonged stress. All of these measures only serve to prevent blood stasis in the veins and thus further deterioration, but cannot prevent spider veins from forming in the first place.