When is the right time to put weight on the foot again? | Midfoot fracture loaded too early

When is the right time to put weight on the foot again?

The most important thing to determine the load capacity is a visit to the doctor. With the help of a new X-ray image, the doctor will decide whether the patient can resume exercise. In addition, the foot shows up without swelling, hematoma or pain, so that the patient can agree to a load.

The load should be applied carefully and in stages. With each further load, the reaction of the foot should be taken into account. If the foot still shows no pain, the load can be increased.

Sport should only be started after a few weeks. It is best to avoid fast, jerky sports and to start slowly with jogging, cycling and swimming. A tape or bandage can be put on/worn to support the body, and after the strain, the regeneration phase can be supported by cooling and elevating the body. If the wound heals normally, loading is possible again quickly and supports further healing of the bone.

Further procedure

If the patient has put too much weight on the foot too early, the foot often shows up with more pain, swelling and restricted movement. Wound healing is accordingly reset and the healing process takes longer. The most important thing is to reverse the load and use supports if necessary to minimize the load completely.

In addition, put the foot up more often and use the “foot pump” to promote the reflux of the swelling (lymph drainage). In addition to cooling and lymphatic drainage, regeneration can be supported by tape bandaging, using classical or kinesiotape. If the strain was too great and a refracture appears, the Vakoped shoe should be worn again. Depending on the profession and the stress in the job, a further sick leave would be advisable.

What accelerates the healing process?

The healing process is accelerated if the doctor’s instructions are followed. Too early loading slows down the healing process and in the worst case can lead to chronification or a refracture. It is important to avoid the load by supports and to wear the Vakoped shoe.

If a bandage is sufficient, the load should still be maintained. Cooling, elevation, calf pump help to resorb the swelling and relieve the pain.Electrotherapy can be used as a supportive measure, but suction electrodes should be avoided during the swelling phase, as they can be very unpleasant. Physiotherapy and lymphatic drainage are very effective as passive measures.

In physiotherapy, the aim is to maintain muscle strength in the entire leg without using the foot. Muscle strength should be trained, since immobilization (immobilization) for 6 weeks will cause the muscles to deteriorate. Mobilization of the surrounding joints prevents stiffening and promotes lymph drainage.

After lymph drainage, a lymphatic tape can be applied. Anti-inflammatory medication is prescribed by the doctor and supports the healing process. Certain foods or globules are also suitable. Pineapple contains important enzymes that support the healing of wounds.