Alternatives to the use of anabolic steroids | Muscle building and anabolic steroids

Alternatives to the use of anabolic steroids

Anabolic steroids are used in muscle building and ensure increased muscle formation. Testosterone is the substance in the body that is responsible for this. The testosterone level can be increased by athletes through anabolic steroids.

However, since these substances are on the doping list, we strongly advise against this. Natural anabolic substitutes are alternatively available in the form of zinc, magnesium, vitamin D and proteins. Supplementation with these nutrients can also influence the testosterone level in the blood.

Thus, these natural anabolic steroids can also make a good contribution to a muscle building program. In addition to the choice of dietary supplements for muscle building, age also plays a role. In a young person who just has a high testosterone level in the blood, the supply does not work as effectively as in older athletes who have biologically less testosterone in the body. However, a healthy, balanced diet is still the best and most gentle way to build muscle mass without taking any health risks.