Causes | Physiotherapy for symphysis pain during pregnancy


The cause of symphysis loosening is based on the physiological processes in the body of the pregnant woman. The hormone Relaxin, which is produced during pregnancy, causes a loosening and increase in elasticity of the tissue. However, if the pelvic ring loosens too much, this can lead to increased stress on structures that are normally not subject to movement, such as the symphysis. The pelvic ring consists of 2 pelvic blades, which are connected at the front via the symphysis and at the back via the sacrum (sacroiliac joint). When the pelvic ring is loosened, there may be movement in between the pelvic blades, which can lead to irritation of the corresponding structures.


Homeopathic medicines can help with symphysis loosening and, due to their appropriate dosage and natural origin, are usually not harmful to the child. Nevertheless, the use of globules should be discussed with a specialist. There are various preparations that can be helpful for symphysis pain during pregnancy.

For example, Sympytum is recommended, which should be taken 3-5 times a day. The appropriate medication should be tailored to the individual pregnant woman and taken with caution. Many pregnant women benefit from the effects of homeopathy for symphyseal pain during pregnancy.

Symphyseal pain during birth

During the birth process, the child passes through the birth canal through the pelvis. This is the reason why the body loosens the pelvic girdle by releasing hormones. During childbirth, the symphysis can be put under a great deal of strain, for example if the ratio between the pelvic outlet and the child’s size is unfavorable.

The symphysis can become loose. In some cases, the symphysis can be damaged during birth. After delivery, the woman should protect her pelvis from strain, not lift it heavily, and not make any strong abduction or spreading movements. Stabilizing exercise in the sense of regression gymnastics can help to alleviate symptoms. The treatment should be discussed with the doctor and the therapist or midwife.