The term dry nose does not stand for an independent disease, but is a symptom that can indicate various diseases. The causes often lie in infections, so that usually other complaints are added. The treatment of a dry nose is uncomplicated in most cases.
What is a dry nose?
The cause of a dry nose is often an incipient infection or a cold in the early stages. A dry nose is also known to medical professionals as rhinitis sicca or atrophic rhinopathy. All terms stand for the drying of the nasal mucosa, which leads to an unpleasant feeling in the nose. In most cases, the symptoms are accompanied by other symptoms such as itching or burning, difficult nasal breathing, deterioration of the ability to smell, or even nosebleeds. In mild cases, the symptoms subside after a few days without treatment or can be quickly treated with home remedies. Spontaneous feelings of dryness often disappear on their own after a few hours. If the symptoms persist over a longer period of time and/or worsen, a doctor should be consulted to clarify the exact causes.
The cause of a dry nose is often an incipient infection or a cold in its early stages. Before it comes to a blocked nose and a real cold, the infection is noticeable by a dry mucous membrane in the nose. Excessively dry indoor air, for example due to heating in the winter months, also causes the mucous membranes of the nose and mouth to dry out in many people. Direct inhalation of dust also temporarily leads to a dry nose. People who suffer from allergies, in addition to allergic rhinitis and swelling of the mucous membranes, also feel an unpleasant drying inside the nose. If certain medications are taken, the discomfort may occur as a concomitant. In some circumstances, severely elevated blood pressure can lead to drying of the nasal mucosa.
Diagnosis and course
The diagnosis of a dry nose is usually made by the patient himself, because he notices the unusual dry mucous membrane unpleasant. If he then seeks a doctor, he will first have a detailed conversation with the affected person to determine the cause. A detailed examination of the nasal mucosa and, if necessary, the taking of a mucosal sample and a blood test usually quickly provide information about the reasons for the complaints. A dry nose does not always require medical treatment. Often the symptoms disappear on their own after a short time. However, if the symptoms are very severe and accompanied by bleeding and pain, a doctor should be consulted, otherwise the dry nose can also become chronic. A persistent infestation with bacteria is also conceivable as a result of non-treatment.
If dry nose is due to external stimuli, such as prolonged stay in heavily heated and poorly ventilated rooms, the problem will disappear on its own as soon as the patient avoids such situations. If this is not possible, the entire ear, nose and throat area can dry out very quickly, which favors the implantation of pathogens. The dry nose, if left untreated, can then result in serious infectious diseases. Dry rhinitis, a form of nasal mucosal inflammation in which the production of nasal secretions is significantly reduced, can also lead to a number of complications. In addition to the initial symptoms, such as sneezing, severe itching and burning, and the feeling that the nose is constantly blocked, other disorders occur. Violent blowing or sneezing can cause the nasal mucosa to be injured. As a result, nosebleeds occur. The resulting tears in the nasal mucosa may also hurt and become inflamed. Often, there is a strong formation of bark and crust, which the patient perceives as a foreign body in the nose. Breathing through the nose also becomes difficult. If the rhinitis persists for a long period of time, it can cause tissue atrophy of the nasal mucosa.
When should you go to the doctor?
The time to see a doctor is when the dryness in the nose persists for a long time and/or already causes the first other symptoms.During the heating season it may well happen more often that the nasal mucosa is very dry indoors. Most often, a nose full of fresh air is enough to cause runny nose, which compensates for this. If the condition improves in well-ventilated rooms, everything is most likely fine. However, if the dry nose persists even after fresh air or leads to regular (light) nosebleeds, the cause should be clarified by a doctor. It may be that the mucous membrane of the nose has been dry for so long that it has difficulty recovering on its own. In these cases, the doctor will prescribe a nasal cream to end the condition. Since dry nasal mucosa also causes nosebleeds, the doctor can also rule out more serious conditions during the examination. For the affected person, it is sometimes not easy to see if the problem is really only related to the nasal mucosa. Nosebleeds could also be a signal of diseases of the sinuses as well as the brain, which a layman cannot diagnose. Such diseases are fortunately rare, but if they cause symptoms, they must be treated very quickly.
Treatment and therapy
If dry nose occurs only for a short time or at the beginning of a mild cold, it does not necessarily need to be treated. However, it can help to moisten the nasal mucosa with seawater nasal spray and thus support the healing process. Nasal rinses with salt water or a steam bath with hot water also have a soothing and at the same time preventive effect, as does careful treatment of the inside of the nose with almond or sesame oil. If the air in the room is permanently too dry, it is advisable to increase the humidity to relieve the symptoms. Sufficient fluid intake helps keep the mucous membranes moist and build up a defense against infections. If the dry nose is accompanied by swelling of the mucous membranes, a doctor may prescribe nasal sprays that quickly reduce swelling. However, these should never be taken for too long, otherwise the nasal mucosa can dry out permanently. Other cold symptoms that can occur together with the dry nose can also be specifically treated by the physician. If the symptoms are due to an allergy, the allergy trigger should be identified and avoided in the future. Acute complaints can be alleviated with suitable medication. High blood pressure is potentially dangerous for the entire organism and requires urgent medical treatment. In this case, it is usually antihypertensive drugs that are used. A change in lifestyle is also advisable, as blood pressure can usually be permanently reduced by a healthy lifestyle.
Dry nose can be prevented to some extent by a healthy lifestyle, adequate fluid intake and indoor air that is not too dry. Especially in the cold season, prophylactic nasal douches and the use of seawater nasal spray can prevent unpleasant drying of the mucous membranes. Inhalation of large amounts of dust should be avoided if possible, as should contact with individual allergy-causing substances and materials. Many gentle home remedies are available in the pharmacy, which are suitable for the prevention and treatment of a dry nose. If the symptoms do not subside on their own, a doctor should be consulted in case of doubt.
What you can do yourself
Affected people have the opportunity to counteract the suffering caused by a dry nose by using common home remedies. A sufficient supply of liquid is permanently indispensable for recovery. In addition, the room air should be kept at an optimum humidity level of between 50 and 60 percent. Regular ventilation of the room with wide-open windows is also recommended. It can also be useful to renew the air breathed directly before going to bed at night. The use of a humidifier supports the air conditioning within the living area. A bowl of water or a wet towel on a warm radiator is sufficient as a convenient alternative. For hours, this allows water vapor to escape directly into the environment. Water-rich plants for indoor areas of the home also make a valuable contribution to maintaining a healthy indoor climate. Alternatively, a long walk in rainy weather helps. Inhaling vapors from a salt solution clears the airways and stimulates the formation of nasal secretions.Corresponding cold creams for inhalation for home use achieve a similar effect. In general, people with an excessively dry nose should avoid cold winter air and not blow their nose excessively. In the case of a very long-lasting cold, avoiding nasal sprays for colds and swellings is a sensible countermeasure. These permanently promote dryness in the nose by too intensive use.