
Introduction Tannolact preparations are anti-inflammatory and anti-itching products that can be applied locally to the skin. They are available in different application forms (cream, fat cream, bath additive, lotions). They are mainly used for inflammatory diseases of the skin (eczema), which often manifest themselves as severe redness and an accompanying burning or itching. Tannolact products … Tannolact

Side effect | Tannolact

Side effect Side effects during treatment with Tannolact products are rare. This is partly due to the fact that the active ingredients are only applied externally (topically) and therefore do not enter the body’s bloodstream. For this reason, side effects occur mainly in the area of the skin where the product was applied. In rare … Side effect | Tannolact

Preparations | Tannolact

Preparations Tannolact Bath Additive is especially suitable for use in cases of skin inflammation in areas of the body that are difficult to access. These include body folds as well as the anal and genital regions. Depending on the affected skin area and skin symptoms, there are different applications of the bath additive available (full … Preparations | Tannolact


Introduction Fumaderm® is a drug which is used in the form of tablets for the skin disease psoriasis vulgaris. It is the most commonly used drug for psoriasis, and is used in patients with severe and moderate psoriasis. There are a total of four different fumaric acid esters contained in the drug Fumaderm®. These active … Fumaderm®

Dosage | Fumaderm®

Dosage The exact dosage of Fumaderm® should be discussed with a dermatologist, as he or she can best assess how severely the patient is affected by psoriasis and what dosage is therefore appropriate. It may be necessary to increase the dosage of Fumaderm® for a short period of time during an acute episode, after consultation … Dosage | Fumaderm®

Revenue | Fumaderm®

Revenue Fumaderm® tablets are taken with plenty of liquid (preferably water) and preferably directly after meals. The tablets have a coating that prevents the gastric acid from breaking down the tablets in the stomach. In this way, Fumaderm® tablets can pass through the stomach unhindered and are then opened up in the intestine and the … Revenue | Fumaderm®


Introduction Ichtholan® is an ointment that is used for inflammatory, purulent skin diseases. Since the ointment is applied exclusively to the skin, Ichtholan® is also known as a dermatological agent. Altogether there are two different forms of Ichtholan® ointment. On the one hand there is the 10 or 20% Ichtholan® Ointment, which contains 10 or … Ichtholan®

Ingredients of Ichtholan | Ichtholan®

Ingredients of Ichtholan In addition to ammonium bituminosulfonate, which is the active ingredient, the ointment Ichtholan® also contains yellow vaseline, i.e. pure fat, purified water and wool wax. However, the actual effect of Ichtholan® is also based on the ingredient ammonium bituminosulfonate, which belongs to the so-called sulfonated shale oils. The ingredient acts against bacteria … Ingredients of Ichtholan | Ichtholan®

Do Bepanthen® products also help against pimples? | Bepanthene

Do Bepanthen® products also help against pimples? Pimple control is not a common application of Bepanthen® products. Since dexpanthenol stimulates sebum production, the use of Bepanthen on a still closed pimple could even be counterproductive. However, in the case of an inflamed, open pimple, the application of Bepanthen® antiseptic wound cream could be helpful, as … Do Bepanthen® products also help against pimples? | Bepanthene