Household remedy against nail bed inflammation | Treatment of nail bed inflammation

Household remedy against nail bed inflammation

In the case of nail bed inflammation, the patient should act as quickly as possible and initiate adequate treatment, otherwise the inflammation can progress and then surgical removal of the nail is imminent. There are various home remedies that can be used to treat nail bed inflammation. On the one hand, if the inflammation is mild, one can first try to wash the inflamed area twice a day for 20 minutes with a chamomile bath.Instead of chamomile, you can also add 15 drops of tea tree oil or 2-3 tablespoons of table salt to the bath and bathe in it for about 10-15 minutes.

After the bath you should cream the inflamed nail. Here you can mix 1 teaspoon of horseradish with 9 teaspoons of honey. This mixture should be applied to the skin after the bath and left to work for 15 minutes.

In the evening the affected area can be additionally spread with clove oil. Aloe vera gel can also be used instead. In the pharmacy you can also get compresses, which you can smear with black ointment.

It is important to decide on one type of ointment and one type of bath and not to try everything at once. If there is no improvement after 3 days or if the symptoms worsen, it is important to consult a doctor, otherwise the inflammation can spread to surrounding structures. A nail bed inflammation should always be taken seriously and treated as quickly and adequately as possible.

Above all, regular bathing of the affected area and subsequent application of a disinfectant ointment (e.g. Betaisodana ointment) will help to counteract the inflammation. If a suppurative focus has already formed, but does not properly come to the surface to open up, homeopathy uses hepar sulfuris in a low potency (D4 or D6) to treat the nail bed inflammation. As soon as the suppurative focus opens up, hepar sulfuris should be taken in a higher potency (D30) to allow the inflammation to subside quickly. If hepar sulfuris had no effect, Myristica sebifera can be used instead. If the inflammation has existed for a longer period of time or if one would like to treat the subsequent symptoms after an operation, Silicea is recommended, as this agent increases the skin’s resistance.