Ibuprofen as an alternative | Paracetamol for toothache

Ibuprofen as an alternative

Ibuprofen is a suitable alternative for patients who cannot tolerate paracetamol. For example, there are – although rarely – intolerances to some of the ingredients in paracetamol tablets. Paracetamol is also a contraindication in patients with liver damage or renal failure.

Ibuprofen is also anti-inflammatory. This means that by taking ibuprofen the cause of the toothache is partially treated. If the effect of paracetamol wears off again, the toothache returns, unless the cause has already been treated.

Alternative Painkillers

Due to the sometimes weak effect of paracetamol, alternative painkillers are gaining more and more prominence in the treatment of acute toothache. However, especially when using alternative painkillers, special attention should be paid to the quality and intensity of the toothache. Certain factors that increase or alleviate the intensity of the pain also play a decisive role in the choice of the right alternative painkiller.

If the affected patient observes severe toothache that radiates into the head and is accompanied by dry mouth, alternative painkillers can already contribute to relief. Especially those toothaches that increase in intensity during physical exertion and/or can be increased by heat can be treated by using Bryonia alba. Toothache caused by carious defects of the tooth, inflammation of the root or inflammatory processes in the area of the periodontium (periodontitis), in some cases do not respond to either paracetamol or Bryonia alba.

Especially when these complaints occur suddenly, have a pronounced intensity and stinging quality, Beladonna can be used as an alternative painkiller. This also applies to toothache, which begins mainly in the evening hours or during the night. The active ingredient Chamomilla, on the other hand, is particularly suitable for the relief of toothache, which is of an unbearable intensity and is accompanied by a clearly noticeable overheating of the affected half of the face.

Typically, the toothache that can be relieved by Chamomilla also increases after taking paracetamol during the night. Also the consumption of warm food and/or drinks usually provokes an increase in pain intensity. Especially when treating children and infants suffering from toothache, painkillers such as paracetamol should not be used in too high doses.

For this reason, alternative painkillers such as Chamomilla are particularly suitable for treating children. In addition to to toothache caused by carious defects or inflammatory processes, pain that persists even after a tooth has been removed is a particular problem. In most cases these toothaches do not appear until late in the day, i.e. after the anaesthetic administered by the dentist has worn off, and can only be relieved to a limited extent by paracetamol.

Alternative painkillers are also particularly suitable for this form of toothache. If the discomfort decreases due to cooling and increases due to heat (for example when lying on the affected half of the face), the active ingredient Hypericum (St. John’s wort) is particularly suitable.