Overweight: What to Do?

Being overweight is no longer an exceptional phenomenon in Germany, but widespread. Depending on age, up to 50 percent of the population is affected. The spectrum of possible offers for losing weight is correspondingly large: Numerous diets and remedies promise fast and problem-free weight loss. But when is one actually considered overweight? What is normal and what is already “too much”? And what can be done about being overweight? We answer these questions below and give you seven helpful tips for losing weight.

When is one too fat?

One speaks of overweight when the weight is significantly above the normal weight. The weight is calculated via the so-called body mass index (BMI). One speaks of a normal weight when the BMI is between 18.5 and 24.9. With our BMI calculator you can easily determine your BMI. The type of fat distribution is also decisive. For this purpose, the Waist-to-Hip Ratio (WHR) can be calculated. This describes the ratio between waist circumference and height of a person. The calculation therefore does not include the total body weight, but only the waist circumference. An excessively high proportion of abdominal fat means a greater health risk. BMI also includes the weight of muscle mass in the calculation, unlike WHR, which is why the informative value of BMI alone is limited.

What does calorie requirement depend on?

Every person has a certain daily calorie requirement. If you consume more energy in the form of food than you actually use, you will become overweight over time. To lose weight successfully, you must either eat less than you consume or significantly increase your energy consumption, for example through exercise. The body’s energy intake and energy consumption are measured in kilocalories (kcal) or kilojoules (kJ). One kilocalorie is equal to 4.187 joules. The daily calorie requirement depends on body size and daily work. There is an increased need during physical activity, during growth and during pregnancy and breastfeeding. With the help of calorie tables, the energy content of food can be determined.

What are the consequences of being overweight?

Obesity can have numerous consequences for health. The main possible effects include:

These seven tips help against excess weight

What is overweight, how it occurs, and what consequences it can have, we have just learned. But what helps against excess weight? What can you do if you want to get rid of excess pounds? The following seven tips against excess weight will show you how to succeed in losing weight.

1. consciously eat creates a feeling of satiety.

Always take enough time to eat, chew well and do not perform other work or occupations at the same time. By eating consciously and slowly, the feeling of satiety comes faster. So if you gulp down your food in a hurry, you tend to eat more. By the way: The frequent recommendation to eat five small meals instead of three main meals does not necessarily help you lose weight. It depends more on personal preferences. Instead, it is much more important how many calories are consumed throughout the day. At what time, does not matter.

2. drink a lot reduces appetite.

Drinking a lot can support a diet. Sugary drinks are of course taboo. However, two to three liters of water or unsweetened tea per day can help you lose weight. A large glass of water consumed directly before a meal also creates a feeling of satiety in the brain. The appetite is thus reduced.

3. regular exercise builds muscle

Regular physical exercise is irreplaceable for sustainable weight loss. If only the diet is changed, the body first reduces muscle. However, this burns existing fat reserves most effectively. If new muscles are built up, the daily calorie turnover increases – even when the body is at rest. 15 to 20 minutes of exercise a day are initially sufficient. When fitness levels are noticeably higher, the amount of exercise can be increased.If there is initially no weight loss after exercise, this is a completely normal process: the newly built muscles are equal in weight to the fat pads that have been removed.

4. formula diets help in the short term

Formula diets are powders, granules or drinks with a precisely defined nutrient, vitamin and mineral content. They often have a high protein content. Thus, less muscle mass is used up as part of a diet. Formula diets are suitable for losing two to three kilos or for replacing some meals as part of a diet. However, they are not suitable for long-term and sustainable weight loss. The body quickly puts on weight again after the powder cure because it is still working on the back burner and consumes less energy. In addition, the causes of excess weight (high-calorie diet, too little exercise) are not permanently changed by this.

5. appetite suppressants with caution enjoy.

Appetite suppressants are pharmaceutical agents that are supposed to have an inhibitory effect on the hunger center in the diencephalon. Others prolong the feeling of fullness. Weight can thus be reduced only over the duration of use. In addition, they can cause some side effects, such as restlessness, sleep disorders, skin rash or high blood pressure and for this reason alone are not suitable for everyone. Such means should only be used after consultation with a doctor.

6. lose weight together

Losing weight together with others can increase motivation. For this purpose, there are various groups that facilitate networking among themselves. This can happen not only through regular meetings, but also through an exchange in online group or with the help of appropriate apps.

7. calorie-reduced mixed diet instead of fashion diet.

To lose weight sustainably, a permanently calorie-reduced and balanced diet in conjunction with regular exercise makes the most sense. One-sided diets as well as short-term crash diets are not recommended. They usually lead to a deficiency of certain nutrients, vitamins or minerals. In addition, they do not contribute to a permanent change in eating habits. What is important is a permanent change in diet in order to avoid eating mistakes in the future and to maintain the lower weight. Even a weight reduction of 5 to 10 percent can positively influence underlying diseases such as high blood pressure or diabetes. Workout at home: 14 fitness exercises