Sitting correctly during pregnancy | Sitting correctly

Sitting correctly during pregnancy

Due to the additional load of the child in the abdomen, the trunk muscles have to work more and the spine has to withstand higher forces. Strengthening the muscles of the trunk is therefore also important here. However, it is important to ensure that the child sits in a position that is suitable for his or her back.

Make sure that your legs are about hip-wide apart and that your heels rest evenly on the floor. This can often result in a hollow cross position of the lumbar spine, which you can compensate for with the correct pelvic position. You should push your pelvis backwards and lean your lumbar spine on the back of the chair.

This will relieve the pressure on the lumbar spine. This automatically results in abdominal tension, which in any case provides stability in the area of the abdomen and lumbar spine. In any case, the upper part of your upper body should be correctly adjusted.

The chest should always go forward and the shoulders backward. The neck should be made long and make sure that you do not look down. Your face should be facing forward.


In order for the muscles to keep the back upright, they should be strengthened. Do the exercises for 15-20 sec. 3-5 times one after the other.

If you can hold the individual exercises for more than 20 seconds, increase the time. The most important thing, however, is the correct execution of the exercise. In order to maintain a muscular balance between agonist and antagonist, the following exercises will strengthen the back and abdominal muscles.


Due to today’s lifestyle, a lot of things take place sitting down. Important aspects are for this reason, to move a lot. If this is not possible, you should sit down with your back straight. In any case, you can strengthen the muscles through exercises to support sitting with your back in a correct position.