Localization of muscle hardening | Muscle hardening – What you should consider

Localization of muscle hardening Tension and muscle hardening in the back have become a widespread disease thanks to our mostly motionless everyday life. The reason for this is usually that we remain in one position at our desk, in front of the computer or in front of the television for hours on end.Without the right … Localization of muscle hardening | Muscle hardening – What you should consider

Gastritis: the Chronic Gastritis

In chronic gastritis, several manifestations can be distinguished, which have correspondingly different causes. Here we present all types of gastritis and explain what each diagnosis looks like. Chronic gastritis: type A gastritis. Type A gastritis is an autoimmune disease. In this case, so-called autoantibodies are formed against the gastric acid-producing cells of the gastric mucosa … Gastritis: the Chronic Gastritis

Shoulder Pain

Pain in the shoulder can occur at any age. Sometimes the shoulder pain is acute (e.g. during sports or after lifting a heavy load), but more and more people also suffer from chronic shoulder pain (e.g. due to joint wear). The pain can have many different causes and can severely restrict and impair the affected … Shoulder Pain

In front | Shoulder Pain

In front There are many different causes for pain that occurs in the front of the shoulder. The front rotator cuff, the biceps tendon, part of the joint capsule, the acromio-clavicular joint and various soft tissue structures such as bursae or tendons are located here. Alternatively, anterior shoulder pain can be a progressive pain, i.e. … In front | Shoulder Pain

Therapy | Shoulder Pain

Therapy The treatment for shoulder pain is always directed against the cause of the complaints. The earlier a treatment for shoulder pain is started, the better the chances of recovery. The person affected can often help to alleviate the pain or even make it disappear completely by means of active movement and muscle strengthening. Taking … Therapy | Shoulder Pain

Tapes | Shoulder Pain

Tapes Kinesio tapes (short for kinesiology, movement theory) are supposed to help against tension, relieve pain and improve movement restrictions. The joint function is supported (augmentation) and compression can reduce swelling. The tape strips are made of cotton and are coated with an acrylic adhesive which ensures a firm adhesion to the skin.The tapes are … Tapes | Shoulder Pain