Pain in the ischium

Definition The ischium (medical term: Os ischium) and the associated ischial tuberosity (Tuber ischiadicum) are anatomical, bony structures of the human pelvis. Pain in the area of the ischium or ischial tuberosity can present itself in different ways. In many cases, involvement of the ligaments or muscles as well as adjacent nerves is likely. In … Pain in the ischium

Associated symptoms of ischialgia pain | Pain in the ischium

Associated symptoms of ischialgia pain In order to find out which cause is responsible for the individual pain of the ischium, the attending physician will ask for other complaints that occur together with the pain. These accompanying symptoms can vary depending on the cause of the pain. If there are nerve irritations, the pain often … Associated symptoms of ischialgia pain | Pain in the ischium

Recovery gymnastics

Introduction The term regression gymnastics refers to various exercises that women can begin a few weeks after giving birth in order to strengthen the strained pelvic floor and abdominal muscles. During pregnancy, the pelvic floor must bear the weight of the growing child, the weight of the amniotic fluid and placenta, and the mother’s organs. … Recovery gymnastics

Recovery gymnastics at home | Recovery gymnastics

Recovery gymnastics at home Recovery gymnastics can also be performed very well at home. Attending a course is not absolutely necessary. The above mentioned exercises are very well suited to be done at home, as they can be easily integrated into everyday life. Special yoga workouts can be carried out as a support.These can also … Recovery gymnastics at home | Recovery gymnastics

Postpartum rehabilitation gymnastics | Recovery gymnastics

Postpartum rehabilitation gymnastics No postpartum exercise is recommended for the time of the postpartum period. Exercises should be started at the earliest from the sixth week after birth, and even later in the case of a caesarean section. The reason for this is that the birth injuries must first heal and the body must recover … Postpartum rehabilitation gymnastics | Recovery gymnastics

Recovery gymnastics despite renewed pregnancy | Recovery gymnastics

Recovery gymnastics despite renewed pregnancy If a new pregnancy occurs during the period of regression, the question arises as to whether regression gymnastics can be continued. Pelvic floor exercises should definitely be continued, as a stable pelvic floor is a prerequisite for being able to bear and support the new pregnancy. The training should of … Recovery gymnastics despite renewed pregnancy | Recovery gymnastics

Courses after birth

Introduction Midwives, hospitals, birth centers and many other institutions offer a variety of courses for young parents. Some of the courses are very useful and can take a lot of load off the shoulders of new parents in particular, by showing them that they are not the only ones and that a little overwork at … Courses after birth

First aid courses for newborns | Courses after birth

First aid courses for newborns Both midwives and aid organizations offer special first aid courses for newborns. Serious emergencies with otherwise healthy babies are fortunately very rare, but when they do occur, they are all the more dramatic for everyone involved. Children are not small adults and infants are not small children. Many things work … First aid courses for newborns | Courses after birth

Swimming course – does my baby need it? | Courses after birth

Swimming course – does my baby need it? Baby swimming is one of the courses that young parents particularly enjoy attending. From the moment that the baby can hold the head itself, parents can go to baby swimming with their child. These courses are offered by hospitals, midwives, the DLRG and some swimming pools. There, … Swimming course – does my baby need it? | Courses after birth