Physiotherapy after hip-TEP

Physiotherapy after a hip TEP is of vital importance. In most cases, structures (vision, ligaments, muscles) around the hip joint are injured by the operation. The physiology of the hip joint is thus severely impaired. At this point, physiotherapy after a hip TEP becomes indispensable. The possible damage can be counteracted by targeted muscle build-up … Physiotherapy after hip-TEP

Injections into the knee joint | Physiotherapy for knee arthrosis

Injections into the knee joint Injections into the knee joint can improve the symptoms and complaints of knee arthrosis. There are basically two possibilities of injections. In one, cortisone is injected into the joint. Cortisone has an anti-inflammatory effect and thus also relieves pain. Far more frequently, however, those affected are injected with hyaluronic acid. … Injections into the knee joint | Physiotherapy for knee arthrosis

Physiotherapy for knee arthrosis

Although knee arthrosis cannot be reversed by physiotherapy, the symptoms can be effectively combated depending on the severity of the condition. All exercises from physiotherapy should be painless and build up the muscles. Stabilization is important in the varied movements of everyday life and can be easily ensured by the trained musculature. With massage and … Physiotherapy for knee arthrosis