De Toni Debre Fanconi Syndrome: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

De Toni Debre Fanconi syndrome is the name given to a genetic disease. It involves reabsorption of various substances in the kidney. What is de Toni Debre Fanconi syndrome? De Toni-Debre-Fanconi syndrome is also known as De Toni-Debre-Fanconi complex, De Toni-Fanconi syndrome, or glucose-amino acid diabetes. This refers to a renal resorption disorder of the … De Toni Debre Fanconi Syndrome: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Symptoms of earache

Synonym Otalgia Symptoms Patients often complain of pulling pain in the ear, described as very unpleasant (earache). Dull, oppressive pain is also often described. In addition, many patients also complain about hearing disorders (dull hearing) in one or both ears. Often the ear pain is accompanied by a limited general condition and fever. At times, … Symptoms of earache

Suicidal thoughts – What to do as a relative?

Introduction Suicidal thoughts occur with many people and do not always have to be immediately dangerous, but one should still remain alert. People with mental illnesses such as depression or schizophrenia are particularly often affected. These thoughts are not only very stressful for the person affected, but also for the relatives who have to deal … Suicidal thoughts – What to do as a relative?

Where can I find help? | Suicidal thoughts – What to do as a relative?

Where can I find help? As already mentioned, the rescue service or the police should be informed immediately if the person concerned is in acute danger. If the situation is not acute, a conversation with the person affected should be the first step. If suicidal thoughts are present, one can first contact the family doctor, … Where can I find help? | Suicidal thoughts – What to do as a relative?

Which doctor is in charge? | Suicidal thoughts – What to do as a relative?

Which doctor is in charge? In the case of suicidal thoughts, the first point of contact can be the family doctor. He often knows the patient’s medical history and can assess the situation well. If necessary, he can also refer the patient to a psychiatrist or psychotherapist. The psychiatrist is responsible for acute suicidal thoughts … Which doctor is in charge? | Suicidal thoughts – What to do as a relative?

Base Powder

Products Alkaline powders are available from various suppliers in pharmacies and drugstores as dietary supplements. They are also manufactured by the companies themselves. In addition to powders, tablets and other preparations are also sold. Structure and properties Alkaline powders are powder mixtures intended for ingestion. They contain basic inorganic salts and excipients. These include, for … Base Powder

Genetics: Treatment, Effects & Risks

Genetics is the study of heredity and deals with genetic information and how it is passed on. In genetics, both the structure and the functions of genes are studied in more detail. As the study of heredity, it belongs to a branch of biology and examines individual characteristics that are passed down through several generations. … Genetics: Treatment, Effects & Risks

These are the typical symptoms of vocal cord inflammation

Introduction The inflammation of the vocal cords is due to various factors and therefore manifests itself through different symptoms. A distinction is made between acute and chronic vocal cord inflammation. The chronic form is defined as a persistence of symptoms for more than three weeks. While coughing, difficulty swallowing and sore throat are the main … These are the typical symptoms of vocal cord inflammation

The typical symptoms of chronic vocal cord inflammation | These are the typical symptoms of vocal cord inflammation

The typical symptoms of chronic vocal cord inflammation The most typical symptoms of vocal chord inflammation are coughing and hoarseness, sometimes even a complete failure of the voice. Defining for a chronic inflammation of the vocal cords is a duration of more than three weeks. Therefore, if hoarseness persists for more than three weeks, a … The typical symptoms of chronic vocal cord inflammation | These are the typical symptoms of vocal cord inflammation

Red eyes – what helps?

Eye redness is the symptom of a protective reaction of our body: defence cells are pumped up in the uppermost protective layer of the eye to prevent harmful environmental influences. To do this, the blood circulation in the body must be increased, causing the vessels to dilate and fill with blood. As a result, red … Red eyes – what helps?