Hemostasis: What it Signifies

What is hemostasis? Hemostasis describes the process by which the body stops bleeding. The word “hemostasis” comes from ancient Greek and is composed of the words “haima” (blood) and “stasis” (stasis). Hemostasis can be roughly divided into two steps: Through primary hemostasis, a wound (vascular leak) is provisionally treated via a rather unstable clot (white … Hemostasis: What it Signifies

Von Willebrand Factor: Function & Diseases

Von Willebrand factor is a protein that plays a critical role in blood clotting. Deficiency of the clotting factor results in unstoppable bleeding. What is von Willebrand factor? Von Willebrand factor was named after the Finnish internist Erik Adolf von Willebrand. He described in his Swedish paper Heredität pseudohemofili the clinical picture of a hereditary … Von Willebrand Factor: Function & Diseases

Stop nosebleeds

Nosebleeds often look worse than they are. When stopping a nosebleed, many affected people decide to put their head back into the neck. However, this is an absolutely wrong measure. The bleeding is increased and the blood can run down the throat. There is a high risk of it being swallowed and getting into the … Stop nosebleeds

Stop nosebleeds in children | Stop nosebleeds

Stop nosebleeds in children Particularly with children, nosebleeds often occur due to scuffling, blowing heavily or constant drilling in the nose. Nosebleeds also often occur in children due to growth spurts. As a parent it is important to radiate calm, so that the child does not get additionally excited. The same measures for stopping bleeding … Stop nosebleeds in children | Stop nosebleeds


Introduction Blood platelets, or thrombocytes, are cells in the blood that play an important role in blood clotting, i.e. stopping bleeding. Along with red blood cells and immune cells (leukocytes), they are one of the main components of the blood. The technical term thrombocyte for blood platelets is derived from the Greek von thrombos for … Platelets

Blood platelet count too high | Platelets

Blood platelet count too high If the platelets in the blood are elevated (>500. 000/μl), this is called thrombocytosis. These can be either primary (congenital, genetic) or secondary (acquired, caused by another disease). Secondary thrombocytosis is usually caused by infections, chronic inflammatory diseases, tissue injuries or certain forms of anaemia. Infections in which elevated platelet … Blood platelet count too high | Platelets

Aspirin® and alcohol | ASS 100

Aspirin® and alcohol If Aspirin® and alcohol are taken at the same time, undesirable side effects may occur, some of which can be dangerous for the person concerned. In particular, the risk of developing stomach ulcers and gastric bleeding, known side-effects of taking Aspirin®, can be further increased by the simultaneous consumption of alcohol. Irritation … Aspirin® and alcohol | ASS 100

ASS 100

Acetylsalicylic acid, ASS, Aspirin®Acetylsalicylic acid is used in the low dose of 100 mg to inhibit blood clotting. It ensures that the thrombocytes, i.e. blood platelets, can no longer attach and clump together as they would in normal blood clotting. The ASS 100 is therefore therapeutically well suited to prevent blood clots from forming, as … ASS 100