Causes of finger arthrosis

Arthrosis occurs as a degenerative, non-inflammatory disease of the joints, especially in older age. Affected is the joint cartilage, which is damaged by overstrain in the course of life and eventually causes complaints. Increased stress conditions of a joint section, such as those that occur with overweight and one-sided stress in the case of joint … Causes of finger arthrosis

ThermaCare® Heat Patch

Introduction ThermaCare® heat patches are freely available drugs that can be used for the external treatment of pain, for example in the back. There are heat wraps and heat pads available in stores, which are usually stuck directly onto the skin and can be worn under clothing. Through a chemical reaction of the various ingredients … ThermaCare® Heat Patch

Side effects | ThermaCare® Heat Patch

Side effects Since the effect of the ThermaCare® heat patches is only caused by the local generation of heat, side effects are not to be expected. There is no absorption of active ingredients through the skin. Side effects are most likely to be caused by excessive heat application, for example, in previously damaged or sensitive … Side effects | ThermaCare® Heat Patch