Angiotensin II: Effects, Uses & Risks

Drugs that rely on angiotensin II play a major role in increasing blood pressure and sodium concentration. They are commonly used drugs that are popular among patients suffering from low blood pressure due to their quite rare side effects. What is angiotensin II? Angiotensin, known since 1940, is responsible for regulating blood pressure and is … Angiotensin II: Effects, Uses & Risks

Wear compression stockings | What to do if your blood pressure is low?

Wear compression stockings Wearing compression stockings is advised for various conditions, including low blood pressure (hypotension). Compression stockings compress only the lower legs or also the entire legs, depending on the model. This also compresses the venous vessels of the legs, so that less blood is lost in the legs. Instead, the return of blood … Wear compression stockings | What to do if your blood pressure is low?

What can be done to prevent low blood pressure during pregnancy? | What to do if your blood pressure is low?

What can be done to prevent low blood pressure during pregnancy? Low blood pressure during pregnancy can be dangerous for both parties. On the one hand, the pregnant woman can become unconscious and fall badly, for example, and on the other hand the reduced blood circulation can cause damage to the unborn child. Low blood … What can be done to prevent low blood pressure during pregnancy? | What to do if your blood pressure is low?

What to do if your blood pressure is low?

Introduction Low blood pressure is called hypotension and is more common in very thin and also untrained people. One speaks of hypotension when average blood pressure values are reached that are lower than 100/60 mmHg. Hypotension is only treated if it leads to symptoms. These include dizziness, headaches or even the temporary loss of consciousness … What to do if your blood pressure is low?

Drink a lot with low blood pressure | What to do if your blood pressure is low?

Drink a lot with low blood pressure People who suffer from low blood pressure should make sure that they drink enough fluids. They should drink more water and not sugary drinks such as lemonade. The daily drinking amount should be at least 2 liters, but can also exceed this. Persons with kidney damage should consult … Drink a lot with low blood pressure | What to do if your blood pressure is low?

Dizziness during pregnancy

Dizziness during pregnancy is a common phenomenon. Especially at the beginning of pregnancy, dizziness is a typical complaint, often in combination with nausea and vomiting. In case of frequent attacks of dizziness, especially if they occur in combination with palpitations, headaches or visual disturbances, they should be discussed with a doctor. In most cases, however, … Dizziness during pregnancy

Dizziness while lying down | Dizziness during pregnancy

Dizziness while lying down In advanced pregnancy (approx. from the end of the second trimenon), sleeping in a supine position should be avoided, as the uterus is now increasing in size and can therefore press on the veins (especially the inferior vena cava). This hinders the blood flow to the brain. Other symptoms when this … Dizziness while lying down | Dizziness during pregnancy

The Addison crisis

Introduction The Addison crisis is a dreaded complication of adrenal cortex insufficiency. In general, it is a rare but acute disease characterized by a severe lack of cortisol. The Addison’s crisis, or severe cortisol deficiency, is a life-threatening condition that requires immediate medical treatment. Causes The cause of the Addison crisis is the deficiency of … The Addison crisis