Indications | Spiroergometry

Indications In addition to working with (high-performance) athletes, which is an indication in itself, there are also useful indications for performing spiroergometry in everyday clinical practice.For example, for a more precise clarification of shortness of breath (dyspnoea), before heart and lung operations to determine the current capacity to cope with stress and, if necessary, to … Indications | Spiroergometry

Training Plan for a Marathon

A marathon means for the body to perform at its best. Therefore, you should run regularly for at least one, or better two years and have a good physical fitness to achieve the goal of running a marathon. It is recommended to train consistently and according to a fixed training plan for the marathon. Of … Training Plan for a Marathon

Personal training

Introduction Personal training is a form of individual training consultation and training support with the goal of maximum or optimal performance improvement and competition preparation. Due to the constantly growing number of potential customers in the field of sports support, a professional group with perspective growing opportunities has emerged in recent years. Starting in the … Personal training

Determine lactate value | Anaerobic threshold

Determine lactate value In order to create an effective training plan, one should know one’s anaerobic threshold or lactate threshold or determine it beforehand. The anaerobic threshold can only be determined by measurements. Lactate tests, ergospirometry and other methods can be used to determine this threshold. The anaerobic threshold can be determined by a stepwise … Determine lactate value | Anaerobic threshold

Energy supply | Marathon

Energy supply The energy that the muscle needs for longer endurance efforts comes from carbohydrates (sugars) and fats (see energy table). The longer the effort, the more fats, the shorter and more intensive the effort, the more carbohydrates are burned The fat storage of a normal-weight man would be sufficient to run about 30 marathons … Energy supply | Marathon


Synonyms in a broader sense Jogging Endurance Sports Endurance Training Running Running Triathlon Definition Marathon The goal of the marathon is to complete the defined distance of 42.195 km in the shortest possible time. However, the marathon is much more than “running” this distance once, but requires months of preparation. A marathon runner prepares for … Marathon

Requirements | Marathon

Requirements Requirements for the marathon 2. 1 Endurance 2. 2 Goals 2. 3 Material If you want to run a marathon, you must be in good shape and in good physical condition. Therefore, an examination by a doctor (ideally a sports physician, i.e. a doctor with the additional title of sports medicine) is recommended before … Requirements | Marathon


Synonyms in a broader sense endurance, swimming, cycling, running, jogging, marathon Definition The goal of triathlon is to complete a defined distance in swimming, cycling and running in the shortest possible time. However, triathlon is much more than completing this distance once, but requires months of preparation. Through the continuous training for a triathlon, most … Triathlon

Energy supply | Triathlon

Energy supply In order to be able to train effectively for a triathlon, knowledge of the energy supply is of fundamental importance. The distance that is swum, ridden and run in a triathlon is less of a problem than the change of load types. Especially after cycling, the subsequent running is much more difficult. The … Energy supply | Triathlon