Pain in the lateral heel

Definition Pain can occur in many places around the ankle and heel. Although the pain is often located in the lateral heel, its cause may be in the upper or lower ankle, calf, arch of the foot, ankle or metatarsus. The heel itself is a bony protrusion of the foot on which the person carries … Pain in the lateral heel

Associated symptoms | Pain in the lateral heel

Associated symptoms The accompanying symptoms can vary with the cause and thus provide valuable information about the underlying problem. In case of tingling and weakness in the foot, nerve damage should be considered. Acute swelling and redness often indicate a bruise, but local inflammation is also conceivable if other signs of inflammation such as overheating … Associated symptoms | Pain in the lateral heel

These home remedies can help | Periostitis at the heel

These home remedies can help In principle, all cooling household remedies are effective in alleviating inflammatory complaints such as swelling and warming. Cooling pads and moist compresses with cold water are well suited to cool the affected tissue at the heel. Quark compresses that can be wrapped around the affected heel are also ideal. Quark … These home remedies can help | Periostitis at the heel

How harmful is alcohol for muscle building? | Muscle build-up and alcohol – can it be tolerated?

How harmful is alcohol for muscle building? Alcohol, once absorbed by the body, is immediately metabolized by the liver. This requires enzymes that consume energy. This energy is no longer available to the muscles for regeneration, which is important for strength training. However, the breakdown of alcohol not only steals the muscle’s energy for regeneration, … How harmful is alcohol for muscle building? | Muscle build-up and alcohol – can it be tolerated?

How much alcohol is “allowed” after training? | Muscle build-up and alcohol – can it be tolerated?

How much alcohol is “allowed” after training? In general, alcohol, which is taken directly after the training, strongly limits the effect of the training unit. Even though the amount of alcohol certainly has an influence on its harmful effect, even with small amounts the body changes its metabolism and changes the hormone release to the … How much alcohol is “allowed” after training? | Muscle build-up and alcohol – can it be tolerated?

Periostitis at the heel

What is periostitis of the heel? Periostitis is an inflammation of the connective tissue surrounding the bone. Periostitis can affect various bony membranes, often the bony membranes of the shin, heel, knee or elbow are inflamed. The heel is the rear part of the foot, also called the heel(s). Inflammation of the periosteum at the … Periostitis at the heel

These symptoms indicate an inflammation of the periosteum at the heel | Periostitis at the heel

These symptoms indicate an inflammation of the periosteum at the heel An inflammation of the periosteum at the heel causes typical inflammatory symptoms. The affected heel is usually swollen, reddened and warmed. The mobility of the foot is restricted and the heel is extremely painful under pressure and causes severe pain when moved. In the … These symptoms indicate an inflammation of the periosteum at the heel | Periostitis at the heel

Fight cramps

Synonyms Clonus, spasmgl. : convulsion Therapy The treatment depends on the underlying disease causing the cramps. Convulsions are not a disease, but a symptom that can be treated in most cases. However, it is also important to diagnose the triggering cause, as otherwise cramp-like symptoms can return. Muscle cramps can be alleviated in the long … Fight cramps

Evaluation – Is the glutamine intake reasonable? | Glutamine for muscle building

Evaluation – Is the glutamine intake reasonable? As with any dietary supplement, the question of intake is often one of budget. The term dietary supplement already implies that an additional intake is not mandatory. Glutamine is already contained in reasonable doses in some dairy products and furthermore is not an essential amino acid, but can … Evaluation – Is the glutamine intake reasonable? | Glutamine for muscle building