Training of the pelvic floor after birth | Training of the pelvic floor muscles

Training of the pelvic floor after birth Childbirth involves a great deal of physical effort and the muscles of the pelvic floor in particular are significantly weakened. Therefore, you should take care to stabilize and train your pelvic floor as soon as possible after a birth. However, women should take care not to exert themselves … Training of the pelvic floor after birth | Training of the pelvic floor muscles

Balls for training the pelvic floor | Training of the pelvic floor muscles

Balls for training the pelvic floor Also known as love balls, the small round balls are often only understood as sex toys. However, the balls are actually not toys, but rather small training devices for the pelvic floor muscles. You can buy the balls either individually or as double balls and they weigh between 28 … Balls for training the pelvic floor | Training of the pelvic floor muscles

Structure of the eye

Synonyms in a broader sense Medical: Organum visus eye structure, eye anatomy, eye English: eye Introduction The human eye or the eye skin can be roughly divided into 3 layers: Specialized pigment cells (melanocytes) stored in the iris (rainbow skin) are responsible for the colour of the eye visible from the outside. The amount of … Structure of the eye

Exercises against cellulite

Definition Changes in the subcutaneous fatty tissue (subcutaneous adipose tissue) in the context of so-called cellulite cause a dentlike deformation of the skin. Morphologically, the surface resembles an orange peel, from which the name “orange peel” is derived, which is also frequently used. It is not a non-inflammatory change without disease value. Cellulite occurs almost … Exercises against cellulite

Exercises for cellulite on the thigh | Exercises against cellulite

Exercises for cellulite on the thigh One of the most common localizations of cellulite are the thighs. The following two exercises are designed to train the front and back thigh muscles. To strengthen the back thigh muscles, the so-called side lift exercise can be performed. First, you move into a lying lateral position on a … Exercises for cellulite on the thigh | Exercises against cellulite

Exercises for cellulite on the bottom | Exercises against cellulite

Exercises for cellulite on the bottom Cellulite-related changes in the buttocks can be effectively counteracted with the following exercises. For the so called bridge you need a solid base, for example a thin gym mat. A carpet also serves this purpose. When lying on your back you bend your legs at an angle of about … Exercises for cellulite on the bottom | Exercises against cellulite

Exercises for cellulite on the upper arms | Exercises against cellulite

Exercises for cellulite on the upper arms In case of cellulite on the upper arms, the following exercises have a positive effect on the upper arm muscles. In the so-called ladies’ push-up, one goes on the floor to the four-footed stand. The palms of the hands are positioned on the floor shoulder-wide at chest height.The … Exercises for cellulite on the upper arms | Exercises against cellulite

An overview of human eye diseases

There is a variety of diseases in the eye, which often have many different causes. Inflammations, injuries and changes in age can change and damage the eye. In the following, you will find the most common eye diseases in order: Eye diseases, which often occur at an advanced age Inflammations and infections in and around … An overview of human eye diseases


Introduction Fascial roles are becoming more and more popular. This is mainly due to their simple and quick application, which is also possible in principle at any time and place. It is hardly surprising that they are so popular in a society in which people are increasingly suffering from back problems and muscle tension at … Blackroll

Orange Series | Blackroll

Orange Series The Orange series from the Blackroll manufacturers represents just one of the many variations of the popular Fascia foam rolls. It is rather difficult to gain an overview of the different products and their different, advantages and disadvantages, as there are no uniform comparative values regarding the degree of hardness of fascia rolls. … Orange Series | Blackroll